Mysterium is an awesome cooperative mystery

Many people have compared Mysterium to a mash up of Clue and Dixit: Clue because of the mystery of trying to discover a person, place, and thing and Dixit because of the bizarre and evocative imagery on the cards.

But even that comparison can’t quite capture the essence of the game.

Because one of the differing aspects of Mysterium is that it’s a cooperative deduction game – everyone either wins or loses together.

Everyone we’ve played Mysterium with has loved it. And we’re more than happy to tell you why.

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Star Wars: Imperial Assault board game review

It’s time to head into a galaxy far, far away!

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens hitting movie theaters this week, we couldn’t wait any longer to post our review of Star Wars: Imperial Assault.

You may have seen mentions of the game pop up on our site before now. We’ve included it in our 2015 Board Game Gift Guide as well as in Dad’s 20 Favorite Board Games list. And now it’s time to dive into it.

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Star Wars Imperial Assault – count us in!

The announcement from GenCon that we’re most excited for came from Fantasy Flight Games about Star Wars Imperial Assault.
Star Wars Imperial Assault is going to be awesome!

The format of the game is just like another hit board game that the boys and I love playing – Descent: Journeys in the Dark 2nd Edition.

Descent is set in a fantasy world where a group of heroes ventures out on a series of quests against a mighty overlord. As the campaigns progress, our characters and abilities become more powerful and we enjoy a lot of great strategic battles in dynamic quest maps.

So when we heard we’ll soon be able to battle in a similar manner in the Star Wars universe, how could we not get excited!

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RISK: Star Wars: The Clone Wars Edition – Conquer the galaxy

It’s a great game for those that have a mind for some strategy mixed with luck. Because no matter what your strategy is, when it comes down to a dice roll for each battle, you may have to change your strategy on the fly.

We really like this version of Risk for a few reasons:

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