17 Games Mini Reviews – Played at SaltCon Spring 2025

I had a great time last weekend playing a bunch of new games with friends at SaltCon Spring 2025.

This year I was able to get in a few games after work Thursday night, a bunch of games for a full Friday, followed by a handful of games for half a day on Saturday.

Most of the games I played were new to me. Some game were hits that I’d love to play again. While other games fell flat and I was happy to move on.

If you’d like to know more about the SaltCon event itself, check out my post from last month covering the many things that happen at SaltCon. This post will focus on mini-reviews of the 17 games I played – in the order in which I played them.

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SaltCon Spring 2025 one month away

It’s odd to think of Spring being in the air when we just rolled into February. 

But I can’t help look forward to Spring when I think about the SaltCon Spring event coming up in one month! 

Regular followers of our family board game reviews will be familiar with us sharing about the SaltCon game convention each year. 

With the popularity of board games skyrocketing over the past decade, board game conventions have likewise grown in popularity. Chances are you can find one near you with a quick online search. 

And SaltCon Spring is the board game convention I attend every year in Layton, UT. It’s local and it’s a lot of fun. 

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16 Board and Card Games Played at SaltCon 2024

The first weekend of March, I spent a couple of days playing a bunch of fun games at SaltCon Spring 2024.

SaltCon Spring is a 4-day event held on the first weekend of March. This year, I arrived Thursday night after work and stayed through Saturday afternoon (taking Friday off work so I could play all day).

Even though SaltCon now hosts game events a few times each year, the spring gathering is the biggest of the bunch and one I look forward to every year.

This year, the attendance hit 2,400!

Read on to get a quick recap of the 16 different games I played and my thoughts on each.

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15 Games Played at SaltCon 2023

SaltCon Spring just keeps getting bigger and better every year!

This year over 2,000 people enjoyed playing board games, card games, dice games, party games, and more for 4 days straight as part of SaltCon Spring 2023.

And with that many people, there’s a broad range of gaming interests. That’s why there are also areas in the convention center set aside for RPGs, miniatures painting, dexterity games, play-to-win games, competitions, and an Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator.

But even as the event itself keeps getting bigger, this year the game playing for me was much more intimate.

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SaltCon 2022 Recap – 22 Games Played

I had a fantastic first weekend of March because I was hanging out and playing tons of games with my friends at SaltCon Spring 2022!

I look forward to this 4-day gaming event with much anticipation every year. And it was especially great this year because the air was finally clearing around the Covid pandemic. Which means we could see the smiling faces of the 1,700 or so people who came out to play all sorts of games.

This year I was able to attend 3 full days of the event and played 22 different board games, card games, and dice games!

It was a lot of fun and I’m ready to share my thoughts on each of the games I played.

(Consider it like a bunch of mini-reviews.)

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Another SaltCon Success

Last weekend wasn’t what I’d expected.

But SaltCon still made me smile.

That’s because every year, I look forward to attending SaltCon — an awesome board game convention in Utah.

As you can see from my anticipatory post last month, SaltCon has tons to offer.

However, this year turned out to be much different for me.

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Countdown to SaltCon 2020!

February just rolled around and it’s time to get excited!

Of course, there was a lot of excitement around the Super Bowl last weekend when the Chiefs triumphed over the 49er’s.

And Valentine’s Day is next week — which can be something to get excited about.

Then there’s also President’s Day right after — which brings a day off of work in the U.S. for many companies. So we can see people getting excited for that.

But what I really get excited about when February hits is that SaltCon is only a month away!

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Record numbers at SaltCon 2019!

Another super fun weekend of board gaming at SaltCon is in the books!

I look forward to SaltCon with high anticipation every year and it never disappoints.

And that’s exactly how I’m feeling again looking back on last weekend of fun board gaming with friends and strangers.

SaltCon is our local board game convention that rolls around the first weekend of March. And like the previous years, it continues to hit record numbers.

For SaltCon 2019, more than 1,900 people came for the fun!

Here’s my quick run down on the 20+ games I played over the couple days I was there.

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Playing with 1,750 friends at SaltCon!

Last weekend was a blast.

For a couple days I was able to step away from everything else and just play games. It’s something I look I look forward to every year.

And once again, SaltCon hit record attendance. This was the 10th year of SaltCon and attendance clocked in at 1,750!

Without further ado, here’s my recap of this super fun event.

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3 days of gaming ahead – ready for SaltCon!

Once February rolls around, I get a little anxious.

It’s not because I don’t know what to get my sweetheart for Valentine’s Day. But rather because I can hardly wait for SaltCon in just a few weeks!

SaltCon is a board game convention in Salt Lake City, Utah for anyone who enjoys playing games. And it keeps getting bigger every year.

For me it means 3 steady days of playing tons of games and reconnecting with tons of friends. So I can’t wait!

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