17 Games Mini Reviews – Played at SaltCon Spring 2025

I had a great time last weekend playing a bunch of new games with friends at SaltCon Spring 2025.

This year I was able to get in a few games after work Thursday night, a bunch of games for a full Friday, followed by a handful of games for half a day on Saturday.

Most of the games I played were new to me. Some game were hits that I’d love to play again. While other games fell flat and I was happy to move on.

If you’d like to know more about the SaltCon event itself, check out my post from last month covering the many things that happen at SaltCon. This post will focus on mini-reviews of the 17 games I played – in the order in which I played them.

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Splitter dice game review

Sometimes you just want a quick and light dice-rolling game for a bit of fun.

No heavy strategy.

No belabored turns.

Just some quick choices as you roll away.

In Splitter, by Pandasaurus Games you really don’t have to wait for typical turns anyway because everyone is active with every roll of the dice.

We included Splitter in our 2024 Board Game Gift Guide in the dice game category because it’s such a simple game that anyone can join in the fun.

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Stack City board game preview

A friend of ours has designed a new family board game and we’re excited to tell you about it.

Stack City, by Quinn Biesinger, is a competitive city-planning game in which players construct a 3D city full of business, community, entertainment, and service buildings. It has what we look for in good family board games—a good balance of strategy and luck.

And regardless of the outcome, because of how you’ve stacked the city, it’s always fun to sit back after the game and admire how the city turned out.

He’s been working on it for years, and we were able to participate in some of the original play testing for the game last year. After many revisions, his prototype is ready to share with the world in anticipation of his upcoming crowdfunding campaign early 2025.

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Trekking the World 2nd Edition game review and comparison

Four years ago, just as people were starting to travel again after being cooped up for months for COVID, we reviewed a fun family board game by Underdog Games called Trekking the World.

So when we heard Underdog Games was publishing a new version of the game, we were more than eager to try it out. And now that it’s hitting store shelves, we’re happy to share the details with you.

While the premise remains the same as the original, Trekking the World 2nd Edition is much more streamlined and simplified to play. Not that the 1st edition is complicated. But this new version is even better for general family play.

We really like the changes made to the game.

We’ll give a quick overview of how to play Trekking the World 2nd Edition, then go into details on the many elements that have changed to make this fun family board game even better.

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Cat In The Box card game review

Has a black cat crossed your path lately?

Halloween is in the air, and you never know what’s lurking around the next corner.

Actually, the Cat In The Box game doesn’t have anything to do with Halloween. (It’s just fun review timing.)

Instead, the game refers to Schrödinger’s cat.

Schrödinger’s Cat is a thought experiment devised by the Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger. If you place a cat and something that could kill the cat (a radioactive atom) in a box and seal it, you won’t know if the cat is dead or alive until you open the box. Thus, until the box was opened, the cat was both “dead and alive”.

Okay, so maybe a “dead and alive” cat is pretty Halloweenish.

However, rest assured that no cats are harmed in this unique trick-taking, card game by Bezier Games.

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Thrones of Valeria card game review

Welcome back to the world of Valeria!

In May, we reviewed the first Valeria game published by Daily Magic Games, Valeria: Card Kingdoms. It’s a fun card and dice game where players build their crew of various citizens to expand their realm and fight monsters.

Since then, Daily Magic Games has published a number of card games in the Valeria universe. Each have unique game mechanics.

Today, we’re excited to share our thoughts on one of the most recent Valeria card games, Thrones of Valeria.

It’s a unique trick-taking card game where the ranks of the different Houses (suits) change constantly. Every card played may alter your plans. We hope you’ve got what it takes to win in Valeria.

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World Wonders board game review

Earlier this year, I had my first chance to play World Wonders – a fun new tile-laying board game published by Arcane Wonders in 2023.

I played it at one of the Hot Games tables at SaltCon Spring 2024 and immediately wanted to play it again.

I couldn’t get it out of my mind and was still thinking about it a month later.

That’s when you know you’ve found another great family board game.

Even though I’d categorize World Wonders as a tile-laying game, it’s packed with much more than that. The game also includes economic, turn-order, and resource elements that keep players considering many choices throughout the whole game.

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Valeria: Card Kingdoms game review

My first encounter with Valeria: Card Kingdoms at SaltCon 2017 was an absolute blast, leaving me eager for more.

It reminded me a lot of Machi Koro, but I liked Valeria’s fantasy theme much better. Plus, I loved that everyone gains resources on anybody’s turn, not just on their own turn.

I added the game to my wish list soon after, but just never pulled the trigger on buying a copy. That is, until two years ago when Daily Magic Games published an updated version!

The new edition not only had upgraded components and streamlined play, but it was also much cheaper!

I’ve since introduced the game to many friends, and everyone has had a great time playing.

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Downforce – Such a fun racing game

A few years ago, I was introduced to a new racing game from by Restoration Games that has become one of my favorite racing games of all time – Downforce!

In the game, players bid in car auctions, race the cars, use special powers, and bet on the outcomes. There’s no dice rolling as it’s the cards that determine which color cars move and how far. And even though you want to favor the cars you bought in the auction, the cards you play will also be moving other player’s cars as well.

I first played Downforce at SaltCon End of Summer 2021 and then bought a copy later that year.

So it’s high time for me to write a review about it and share why I enjoy it so much.

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16 Board and Card Games Played at SaltCon 2024

The first weekend of March, I spent a couple of days playing a bunch of fun games at SaltCon Spring 2024.

SaltCon Spring is a 4-day event held on the first weekend of March. This year, I arrived Thursday night after work and stayed through Saturday afternoon (taking Friday off work so I could play all day).

Even though SaltCon now hosts game events a few times each year, the spring gathering is the biggest of the bunch and one I look forward to every year.

This year, the attendance hit 2,400!

Read on to get a quick recap of the 16 different games I played and my thoughts on each.

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