Abyss: Kraken expansion board game review

Last week we reviewed one of our favorite board games in the last couple years – Abyss.

Well, we’re staying in the depths a little longer because we got a copy of Abyss: Kraken from Miniature Market earlier this year and it’s time to review it!

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Abyss board game review

Abyss was published in 2014 by Bombyx and immediately got a lot a buzz in the board game realms. Some of the buzz was about the game play. But most of the buzz was about the evocative artwork.

After taking a closer look, I added it to my ‘want to play’ list and anxiously awaited a chance to play it.

That chance first came for me at SaltCon 2016 – and I loved it!

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Immersed in Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition

The line between physical board games and digital board games has been shattered by Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition!

It’s no longer “either/or” – now it’s completely both. That’s because the digital Mansions of Madness app is the only way to play the physical game.

In Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition, players interact with both the physical game components as well as the digital app. Players use boards, cards, tokens, miniatures, and dice while the app unfolds the story before them.

It’s an immersive experience that pulls us in and keeps us wanting more.

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Mysterium is an awesome cooperative mystery

Many people have compared Mysterium to a mash up of Clue and Dixit: Clue because of the mystery of trying to discover a person, place, and thing and Dixit because of the bizarre and evocative imagery on the cards.

But even that comparison can’t quite capture the essence of the game.

Because one of the differing aspects of Mysterium is that it’s a cooperative deduction game – everyone either wins or loses together.

Everyone we’ve played Mysterium with has loved it. And we’re more than happy to tell you why.

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America Trivia Party Game Review

How long is the Golden Gate Bridge?
What’s the annual attendance at Disneyland?
People in which state listen to Christmas music the most?
When did Butch Cassidy form the Wild Bunch?
How many movies did Ronald Reagan appear in?

You may not know the answers to these questions. But that’s perfectly okay in the new trivia party game America by Bezier Games.

Because in America close counts!

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Star Wars: Imperial Assault board game review

It’s time to head into a galaxy far, far away!

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens hitting movie theaters this week, we couldn’t wait any longer to post our review of Star Wars: Imperial Assault.

You may have seen mentions of the game pop up on our site before now. We’ve included it in our 2015 Board Game Gift Guide as well as in Dad’s 20 Favorite Board Games list. And now it’s time to dive into it.

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Castle Panic The Wizard’s Tower expansion review

Castle Panic is one of our favorite cooperative board games. The first time we played it, we knew we were hooked. Right from the start of the game, you can see why it’s named “Panic” because monsters are very quickly closing in on your castle walls and you can sense the doom.

Everyone we’ve played it with has enjoyed it as well. Working together to fight off the marauding monsters is a lot of fun. And it does take a lot of teamwork to win the game.

So when the expansion Castle Panic The Wizard’s Tower came out, we were anxious to get a copy to add to the fun.

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Ingenious – Addicting family fun

Did you ever think placing colored tiles on a board could be addicting?

Well, with Ingenious it sure can be.

When you first see Ingenious you may think it’s just a simple children’s game. Sure it’s a simple tile placement game, and kids will have fun just matching tiles from what they draw, but by throwing in a unique scoring element and game winning condition, you’ll find yourself putting a lot of thought into each move to get the best result.

With his thinking cap tightly on, Jaden’s the perfect person to explain why our family likes Ingenious.

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