Immersed in Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition

The line between physical board games and digital board games has been shattered by Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition!

It’s no longer “either/or” – now it’s completely both. That’s because the digital Mansions of Madness app is the only way to play the physical game.

In Mansions of Madness 2nd Edition, players interact with both the physical game components as well as the digital app. Players use boards, cards, tokens, miniatures, and dice while the app unfolds the story before them.

It’s an immersive experience that pulls us in and keeps us wanting more.

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Santorini rocks as a 2-player board game!

Santorini gets a very hearty recommendation from us on being a great board game the whole family can enjoy.

It scores off the charts on our “let’s play again” game meter for many reasons.

The younger kids in your family will be drawn to the game because of how wonderful it looks and because they’ll get to play with building blocks to make a cool island city. But they’ll also discover that using their mind is super fun.

And adults will find an engaging level of depth in the game. There’s plenty to think about during a game that makes for a wonderful head-to-head challenge.

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Control card game review

You’re a time traveler caught in a rupture in spacetime and displaced outside time. And to add to your worries, your time machine has been drained of fuel.

So you must refuel your time machine using Fuel Cells to escape the rupture.
Yet only one time traveler will be able to do so.

So if you don’t want to be lost outside time, you better be the one to close the rupture and escape.

That’s the premise in a new card game by Keymaster Games called Control.

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Get your game boxes in order

Our experience with Insert Here game inserts have been fantastic.

One of the things we love the most about them is how light they are. Since they’re made of foam core material, they don’t add any weight to the game itself. And when you’re talking about a game with tons of components, no additional weight is a great thing.

Another element we love across the board with all their inserts is how quick it makes both game set up and take down.

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The Joke’s On You!

It’s like an April Fool’s joke on unsuspecting families.

We see an enticing board game sitting on the shelf and think of the great stuff packed inside.

But when we open our new game box, it’s mostly empty space.

What a disappointment!

Sure the game may be very fun to play, but we still carry a feeling of being tricked.

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Let’s battle over some European Royals!

To be honest, I wasn’t tempted by Royals when I first came across it. The setting was very impressive at Gen Con.

They had a big Royals banner backdrop and a couple copies of the game set up to play on a nice table with a fancy throne at end.But the theme of influencing nobles across a map of Europe just didn’t appeal to me. At first blush, it all seemed kind of blah.

And then I played the game…

To my surprise, I found myself very engaged in the game and was disappointed when we were told that our game demo would end after just the first round!

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Marrakech is a pleasant surprise!

When I first heard about this rug market game called Marrakech, I sure didn’t think much of it. But I gave it a try and was quite surprise by how much I enjoyed it!

I’m happy to report that it’s been equally well received by all those we’ve introduced it to.

I could say it’s the best rug market board game I’ve ever played because it’s the only board game about rug markets I’ve played.

But it turns out that Marrakech is actually a fun family board game.

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Mysterium is an awesome cooperative mystery

Many people have compared Mysterium to a mash up of Clue and Dixit: Clue because of the mystery of trying to discover a person, place, and thing and Dixit because of the bizarre and evocative imagery on the cards.

But even that comparison can’t quite capture the essence of the game.

Because one of the differing aspects of Mysterium is that it’s a cooperative deduction game – everyone either wins or loses together.

Everyone we’ve played Mysterium with has loved it. And we’re more than happy to tell you why.

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