9 Favorite Board Games – Caleb

Now that we’ve shared the all-important Mom’s 12 Favorite Board Games, we’ll move on to the kids, starting with the youngest – Caleb.

Just as the Force is strong with Luke Skywalker, we can sense the Board Game Force being strong with Caleb. Like his father before him, Caleb loves playing all sorts of board games.

When we started doing game reviews, he was 6.
When he made his 10 Top Board Games in 2012, he was 9.
So now at 12, how have his favorite games changed?

It’s time to find out.

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12 Favorite Family Board Games – Mom

Moms are plenty busy. That’s why it can be hard to get her to sit down and play a game.

After all, taking time out to play a game means that something around the house isn’t getting done, right?

That’s why we enjoy it when mom feels relaxed enough to sit down and play a game. And in those moments, of course we’re going opt for games that she’s interested in playing.

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Updating Our Favorite Games!

It’s been 3 years since everyone in our family created our own Top 10 Games lists.

So we figured it’s time to revisit which games we each enjoy playing the most.

After all, we’ve played a lot more board games, card games, dice games, and party games since 2012. So it’s only fitting that some of those games now take their spot on our favorites list.

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Ubongo – A game mom loves too!

The only video game mom has enjoyed is Tetris.

This goes way back to the day of the first Nintendo Gameboy system. She’ll laughingly admit that Tetris was an addiction. She played it so much as a teenager that when she’d see road signs while driving, her mind would try to fit them into a Tetris grid. And her heart rate would jump if they wouldn’t fit!

It’s one of those family stories we always laugh about.

While those days have faded, the enjoyment of playing games with “Tetris-shaped” pieces remains.

So when I saw Ubongo by Thames & Kosmos, I had a strong hunch that it would be a game she’d love.

And sure enough, Ubongo has been a hit with our family and especially mom.

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Rustle up some cattle in Longhorn

It’s time to do some cattle rustling in the Old West!

So round up another outlaw and see which of you can steal the most valuable cattle and the most loot in Longhorn.

The Wild West is a pretty popular theme for all kinds of entertainment. There’s a wide range of movies and TV shows about the rough life out on the range.

But that’s not the only form of Wild West entertainment. Board game and card games get in on the action as well. And the latest one we’ve played from Blue Orange Games is a fun one – Longhorn!

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Fluxx Dice Review

As if Fluxx wasn’t random enough, Looney Labs has gone and made it even more random with Fluxx Dice!

That’s right. The luck-filled game of Fluxx, where players are changing the rules and goals of the game the whole time now has an additional element of luck – dice.

This is a very short review because it’s a very small expansion game to add into your Fluxx games – no matter the version of Fluxx you’re playing.

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Adventure Time Fluxx game review

When we first got copy copies of both Batman Fluxx and Adventure Time Fluxx, I thought for sure our boys would flock to Batman over Adventure Time Fluxx. But I was wrong.

I was quite surprised when they said Adventure Time Fluxx was the version they liked the most.

Maybe it was because the Adventure Time version put them in a silly mood. And being in a silly mood goes well with playing a Fluxx game.

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Can You Name These 25 Games?

How well do you know your games?

Can you identify tabletop games by sight?

Take this short 25-question photo quiz to see how your recognition of board games, card games, dice games, and party games stacks up.

Hint: All of the correct answers are games that we’ve reviewed.

Go ahead and see how well you do.

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92 Games Played So Far This Year

As we’re looking back on the fun times we’ve shared as a family this summer, I’ve also taken time to look back on my year in games. For the last few years, I’ve posted a mid-year report on the many board games and card games I’ve played. And while I may be a bit behind on my past trend, it’s better now than never.

So it’s time for a mid-year review of the games I’ve played – with highlights of the ones I’ve enjoyed the most.

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Batman Fluxx game review

With the humongous rise in Superhero movies over the last number of years, we could probably dub this the Superhero Decade. Or knowing that even more will be flooding the movies screens in the coming years, the Superhero Century!

But even though we may not like the extreme glut of superhero movies on the horizons, we have to admit that we’re still suckers for superheroes!

My personal favorite is Spiderman. Just because I think climbing on walls and swinging all over the place would be totally awesome!
Coming in at a close second would be Batman (thanks to Batman Begins).

So with a Batman Fluxx card game staring at me, of course I’m going to dive in!

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