The Game Canopy = best game bag!

How do you carry your board games when you’re heading out somewhere else to play?

We’ve used a variety of options when going away for a family vacation, extended family gathering, or off to game night — such as plastic totes, cloth bags, and standard duffle bags.

Some of those options severely limit the amount of games we can take and don’t protect the games very well.

But recently we found out about The Game Canopy, by Level 3B, and now the issue is solved!

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Last day of fun at SaltCon 2016 – Day 3

After a couple great days at SaltCon, I was looking forward to one final day of fun.

So with just a few hours of sleep, I was happily diving back into action before the main gaming hall opened.

Knowing it was the final day of SaltCon, I had to make the most of the day playing games at the top of my want-to-play list. And there were still many people I was hoping to meeting up with before the end of the con. It would be a busy and fun day!

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Fun at SaltCon 2016 continued – Day 2

After a full Day 1 at SaltCon 2016 into the wee hours, I headed to my hotel room for a few hours of sleep before diving back into many more tabletop games on Day 2.

Of course, in addition to playing games, I took more time on Friday to visit with the exhibitors in the game hall and talk to publishers and game designers. I also perused the Game Swap area every now and then for a hidden game gem.

After the main game hall opened that morning, I once again found a couple friends and we headed for the Hot Games area.

Now on to mini game reviews of the 11 games I played on Day 2!

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Had a Lot of Fun at SaltCon 2016

This past weekend I joined in with 1,124 others to play a ton of board games at SaltCon 2016.

The board game convention, SaltCon was held this past Thursday, Friday, and Saturday and I was happy I could attend all 3 days this year. I made sure to get the time off work as well as the time away from home. That way I could completely immerse myself in the fun and play as late as I wanted every night.

Now that I’ve rested up a bit, it’s time to look back on all the fun.

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Dice City Review and Giveaway!

It’s time to build the best city around!

As the name so aptly describes, Dice City is a game about building your city using dice.

If you saw our review of Machi Koro last week, you may be thinking, “Didn’t I just read a review about a city-building dice game?”

While the short answer is “Yes”, the long answer is “We’ve got another game for you to check out – Dice City.”

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Dice, Dice, and More Dice – Photo Quiz!

Modern board games have come a long way in their use of dice.

While many games still come with standard D6 (6-sided dice with numbers 1 through 6), new game designers are now more likely to include custom dice to bring their game to life.


Because a lucky die roll can add a lot of fun to a game.

But it’s even more fun to roll dice with cool designs on them that tie into the game theme.

So we’ve pulled out dice from 25 games sitting in our game closet to make this new photo quiz.

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Roll For The Galaxy is dice rolling goodness

With 111 custom dice, you can expect to do a lot of dice-rolling in Roll For The Galaxy.

However, mountains of dice aren’t all that’s included in the game.

While dice rolling may be the centerpiece of the game, the game wouldn’t be complete without all the 55 double-sided tiles. Because it’s those tiles that you’ll be working with to explore, develop, and settle throughout the game on your way to galactic victory!

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Enjoying new games this week

With the kids out of school for two weeks and myself having time off from work during the holidays, it’s a fantastic time for playing board games!

To add to the holiday fun, we’ve had a very white Christmas. Aside from shoveling the driveway and walks many times over the last week, we love having thick blankets of snow everywhere.

The deep snow also makes for a great time to cozy up inside near the fireplace and watch movies and play games. We’ve had our Star Wars run (watching episodes 1-6 over the last month in prep for The Force Awakens last week), as well as a handful of Harry Potter movies. And we’ve had some great laughs playing Just Dance, Mario Party 9, and Rayman Raving Rabbids.

We also took advantage of the fresh snow on some good sledding hills nearby. And of course, we’ve played a bunch of board games.

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Be Ready For Your New Games

If your family finds new board games under your Christmas tree this week, you’re in for a treat.

You’re also in for some learning time. Because in order to know how to play those shiny new games, you’ll first have to learn how to play them.

Your kids won’t want to wait while you to read all the rules. They’ll just want to play.

You’re in luck because we’ve got some tips for you.

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