Broken Token box organizers are fantastic!

With so many board games in our game closet, we’re always looking for ways to organize our games to save space.

Some of the culprits that take up shelf space are game expansions.

When the games we love come out with game expansions, what are we to do?

Enter The Broken Token box organizers!

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Top 11 Games and Experiences YTD

So far this year, I’ve already played 142 different games!

As I looked over my list this past weekend, I thought about my favorite gaming moments for the year so far.

In some cases, I thought of particular games I’ve had a blast playing. And in other cases, it’s more about the experience overall.

Here are my Top 11 Games and Experiences of 2016 so far.

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Luchador is dice rolling fun!

At its heart, Luchador is a straightforward dice rolling game. Players roll dice and compare results. However, with the addition of a Mexican wrestling theme, all of a sudden the game takes on a new life.

With the lucha libre theme, players now have reasons to cheer for certain results. And that makes for fun for all ages.

Luchador can also be played with advanced rules that add a few more elements for older players who want more options.

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And Then There Were 2

On Wednesday, Jaden headed out on his 2-year mission to serve the people in Singapore and Malaysia!

He’s been looking forward to this day for so long and it’s so exciting that it’s finally here.

He was all smiles as we dropped him off at the Missionary Training Center where he would spend the next couple months learning Mandarin Chinese before making his way to Singapore.

In fact, everyone was all smiles.

There’s not doubt it’s an emotional moment.

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Gen Con 2016 Game Publisher Interviews

Earlier this week I shared an overview of my first Gen Con experience.

I had a great time being immersed in the spectacle of so much gaming goodness. But without a doubt, the best part for me was meeting with people I’ve only interacted with via email and online for so many years.

And many of these were board game publishers with fun games that we’ve done reviews of.

If you’d like to jump to a video interview of one of these fabulous game publishers, simply click on their name in the list below.

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Best Games of 2015! – The Dice Tower Awards

The best board games, card games, dice games, family games, and party games of 2015 have now been awarded!

Just a couple days ago, on July 9, The Dice Tower announced the winners of the Dice Tower Awards — the annual crowing of the best board games published.

With thousands of new games published each year, there’s always so many great games to choose from.

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Memoir ’44 week for D-Day Commemoration

This past week I’ve played a lot of Memoir ’44.

And I’ve loved every minute of it!

Those that are familiar with our reviews will know that Memoir ’44 is one of my favorite board games. And it’s my most-played 2-player board game.

Since I first played Memoir ’44 with my buddies, we’ve held an annual D-Day Commemoration game night around June 6.
I always look forward to it and have yet to be disappointed.

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Best Board Games 2015 – Nominees are set!

What are the best board games and card games from 2015?

We’ll soon find out because the annual Dice Tower Awards are upon us.

The annual awards recognize the best board games published every year and the 2015 nominees were just announced.
Over 4,000 new board games, card games, dice games, and party game are published each year. So finding the best board games and card games takes a bit of time.

Lucky for you, board game reviewers from around the world take part in The Dice Tower Awards.

Check out this year’s nominees!

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Steampunk Rally building & racing fun!

Playing Steampunk Rally reminds me of building crazy contraptions with LEGOs as a kid and racing them around the room.

Sure they could have some wheels hooked on like you’d expect in a race car. But wheels weren’t required because I’d just imagine they were rocket-propelled and could fly instead.

And I could lose a part here or there and it wouldn’t really matter because I’d adjust and keep on flying.

If you’ve ever done such imaginary races, then you’ll have a good feel for what it’s like to play Steampunk Rally.

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