Race to the top in Dicey Peaks

As I look out our front window at the snowy peaks along the Wasatch Range, I’m sure glad there aren’t any Yetis around here. Because if there were, it would make our winter snowshoeing in the mountains a bit more treacherous.

My opinion is quite different when it comes to Yetis in the new, fun dice game Dicey Peaks by Calliope Games. Bring on the Yetis!

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Board Game Gift Guide 2017!

Are you ready to find some great board games for your family and friends?

It’s time again for our annual Board Game Gift Guide so you can find the perfect game gift!

This year’s Board Game Gift Guide includes 38 great game ideas!

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Customizing your dice rocks in Dice Forge!

In Dice Forge players customize their dice throughout the game to make them more powerful as they compete to gain the most Glory points.

But it’s not all about the Glory points.

Players gain Gold, Sun Shards, Moon Shards, and Heroic Feat cards to increase their powers and influence their outcomes.

There are many reasons why we’ve had a blast playing Dice Forge.

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Problem Picnic Game Review & Giveaway

Summertime is a wonderful time to have lots of picnics.

And what would a picnic be without ants?

Well, in Problem Picnic: Attack of the Ants by Kids Table Board Gaming you get to play the part of the ants!

In the game, players are ant colonies trying to steal the best plates of food from a picnic.

The player that best organizes their collected food to meet the scoring objectives will be the best ant colony around!

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Karuba’s game insert even speeds up play

It’s time to put another game insert from Insert Here to the test.

You may already know we’re fans of foam core game inserts. Not only do they keep the game components nicely organized, they’re also very light. So there’s hardly any added weight to the game box.

It’s even better when the game insert itself helps the game function more smoothly.

Well, that’s what Rob Searing (Insert Here) has done with the custom game insert for Karuba!

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