15 Fantastic Card Games for Family Vacations

As much as we like board games, we say the best games to take along on a family vacation are card games.


Because most are compact, short, simple to understand, cover a wide range of player counts and ages, and have high replay value.

Here’s our list of 15 fantastic family card games for your next family vacation!

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Carcassonne: Star Wars board game review

On Star Wars Day a few days ago we highlighted a number of fun Star Wars themed board games. We also teased another Star Wars board game in our queue to review this week.

Well, that day has come.

We’re happy to introduce you to another great Star Wars family board game — Carcassonne: Star Wars!

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Happy Star Wars Day! May the 4th be with you!

We don’t mind one bit that May 4th has been dubbed Star Wars Day.

Since we enjoy Star Wars, we get a kick out of the tie-in to the idea and what it’s spawned.

We like the Star Wars movies. And we like many Star Wars games!

So if you’re looking for a good Star Wars board game today, we’ve got some great game ideas for you

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Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War board game review

It looks like Avengers Infinity War smashed all global box office records with the biggest opening weekend of any movie with $641 million!


While we didn’t see Avengers Infinity War opening weekend, we did the next best thing — we played the about-to-be-released board game, Thanos Rising: Avengers Infinity War!

That’s right, we were lucky enough to get our hot little hands on a copy of Thanos Rising from USAopoly before it’s release to stores and we’re going to tell you all about it!

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Keeping it together

This beautiful time of year also means Spring Cleaning…

Not only are the lawn tools getting dusted off and the garage cleaned, but other areas of the house are getting their turn at fresh organizing as well — including the game closet!

And whenever it’s time for game organizing, we turn to Insert Here for game inserts. They make foam core game box inserts for over 200 popular board, card, and dice games!

Today we’d like to share our thoughts on 3 custom game inserts from Insert Here.

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Playing with 1,750 friends at SaltCon!

Last weekend was a blast.

For a couple days I was able to step away from everything else and just play games. It’s something I look I look forward to every year.

And once again, SaltCon hit record attendance. This was the 10th year of SaltCon and attendance clocked in at 1,750!

Without further ado, here’s my recap of this super fun event.

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Time to divide the Spoils of War

The first time I saw a version of Liar’s Dice was in the movie, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. Will challenges Davy Jones to a game aboard the Flying Dutchman to find the location of the key to the Dead Man’s Chest.

With it being such a common game, you’d think I would have encountered it long before seeing that movie. But I hadn’t.

Since then though, I’ve come across a number of iterations of Liar’s Dice.

The latest iteration of the game was published last year by Arcane Wonders called Spoils of War.

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Top 5 Family Board Games of 2017

Happy 2018!!

Ok, so we may be a little late on wishing everyone a Happy New Year since we’re already 3 weeks into 2018. But we still wish you a great new year!

Now let’s get on with which family board games, published in 2017, we’ve enjoyed the most as a family…

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Machi Koro: Bright Lights, Big City adds a lot more variety to an already fun game

Machi Koro is a family card and dice game where players compete to build their cities to become the largest in the region. Players do this by rolling dice, collecting money, buying Establishments, and building Landmarks in their city. The first player to complete all of their Landmarks wins the game.

The exact same thing can be said for Machi Koro: Bright Lights, Big City.

So why do we like this new game so much more?

We’re happy to tell you why.

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