Top 10 Family Board Games – Slideshare

Modern family board games have come a long way from just “roll-and-move”. With so many fantastic board games to choose from, what are the best?
What family board games should be on everyone’s shelf so no matter the situation, they’ve got a great game ready to play for some fun family time?

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Best Games of 2012 – The Dice Tower Awards!

Out of the 3,000+ new board games, card games, dice games, family games, party games, war games, cooperative games, strategy games, and many more published in 2012 – the best have now been announced!

Well, at least according to the more than 40 top board game reviewers around the world these are the best board games. Every year The Dice Tower gathers recommendations from around the globe. Those reviewers then whittle the lists down to the nominations. From there the final votes are cast and The Dice Tower Awards are announced!

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Alien Frontiers: Factions expansion review

Alien Frontiers is another great board game that sits in our Family Favorites board games list. Not only that, but it also made Trevor’s Top 8 Best Board Games list. With only 8 games on the list, that’s a pretty high distinction.

So how would the expansion Alien Frontiers: Factions affect our opinion of the game?
Trevor sums it up simply, “Awesome!”

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Most Complicated Board Game

We caught a video segment today about board games from one of our family’s favorite internet sensations: Rhett and Link

They’ve talked about board games before on their YouTube show, “Good Mythical Morning”. But this recent video clip from “The Mythical Show” is called “Most Complicated Board Game Ever” and it’s just begging to be watched.

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King of Tokyo: Power Up! expansion review

King of Tokyo is a great party game and our copy has been used a TON. We’ve played it numerous times as a family, we play it regularly at Guys Game Night, and we’ve lent it out to neighbors and friends for some of their family gatherings.

So when we heard iello was working on an expansion for King of Tokyo, we quickly added it to our wish list.

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Board game expansions – add more to the fun!

Board game expansions are becoming a much more common occurrence with modern board games. Look back just a decade and you won’t see many board game expansions. Sure Monopoly has spawned a ton of different versions, but they aren’t considered expansions. They’re just re-theming the same game and each game plays as a stand-alone.

Which board game expansions are worth getting?

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Best Board Games of 2012 – Nominees are in!

Are you ready to find out what the best board games and card games are from 2012?
While we don’t quite have that answer for you yet, we do have the list of nominations. And it’s quite the list!

How on earth can we say which are the best?
There’s no way to play them all. So for that, we turn to game reviews and players around the world. And we’ve found the best compilation comes from The Dice Tower Awards.

Here’s the list of nominations for Best Board Games of 2012.

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