Which board games to play? Tough choice

This week we’re having a family reunion and I’m in charge of supplying the games.

Of course, supplying board games to play for the occasion isn’t a big surprise. It’s really something I do anyway whenever we get together with family.

The toughest question is which games to take…

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Had a blast at SaltCON!

This weekend was SaltCON – the annual board game convention in Utah, USA – and it was a blast!

Although the event runs for 3 days, I just attended on Friday and Saturday. And even though I ended up leaving earlier than I had anticipated Saturday evening, I left feeling very full.

Full from a lot of great game playing and full from meeting a bunch of new friends.

Overall, I played 16 different board games!

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Will digital board games replace the physical?

With the rise of everything digital, are physical board games on the way out?
Can digital board games deliver the same level of enjoyment as their physical versions?

It’s a hot topic in the board game industry.

Since we started reviewing board games over, the growth of digital board games has skyrocketed.

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The Board Game Family in the News

Our family was referenced in a news article this week that’s put big smiles on our faces!

We were pleasantly surprised to see us mentioned in The Deseret News article, “Which board games are right for your family?” earlier this week.

We weren’t just happy because we were referenced in the article. We were also happy to see such a great article outlining the wide variety of modern board games that families can enjoy playing together.

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125 Different Games Played in 2013!

As we dive into a new year, I love to look back over the board games, card games, and party games I’ve played during the past year.

For 2013, I’ve played 125 different games!

Thanks to BoardGameGeek.com as well as the cool app for it, it’s so simple to record which board games I play. After playing a game, I’ll simply click on “Record a Play” and boom, it’s done. Then I can easily pull reports of all sorts to review the games I’ve played.

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Best Value Boards Games

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
So too is the value of a board game.

Having played a ton of different board games and card games, we can attest to the fact that not all board games are created equal. Some games are so compelling they’re hard to stop playing. Other games can’t end soon enough.

The value of a board game or card game can’t be judged on price or quality of the components alone.

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