Our Game Gift Guide 2011 is here!

It’s that time of year when families around the world are looking for great family board games to get for gifts during the holidays.

Board games, card games, dice games, and party games are great gifts to give your friends and family since they promote interaction and strengthen relationships.

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Great family board games for a long weekend

We’re excited for Thanksgiving this week.

We love that Thanksgiving comes near the end of the year and before we move into the Christmas holiday and New Year resolutions. Why? Because Thanksgiving* gives us a chance to pause and think about all our blessings. And with it being near the end of the year, we naturally reflect back on our blessing for the year. It also helps us put things in perspective and in a giving mindset to those we love and those less fortunate than ourselves.

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Do you have enough board games?

Are your kids tired of playing the same board games and card games over and over?

When someone suggests playing Monopoly, Life, Scrabble, or UNO yet again, does everyone turn and run out the door screaming or cower in a corner mumbling strange things?

It’s not to say that you can’t have fun with your family playing these games, but if they’re the only games you have to choose from when someone wants to play a game, then we’d suggest you consider expanding your options.

Because board games and card games are all about social interaction, the best board game really depends on the settings and players.

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Story Time – Games with Creativity

Do your kids love to tell stories – the crazier the better?

We know our kids do.

And we think it goes back to those first bedtime stories that we’d read to them. Bedtime routines are perfect for spending one-on-one time with kids. They cherish the dedicated time they have trading off with mom or dad to read to them or tell them stories every night.

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Crappy Birthday to You

If someone were to wish you a Crappy Birthday, I don’t think you’d be too pleased with them. But if they were to give you Crappy Birthday (the party game) as a gift, then you’d probably have them pull up a chair and play the game with you.

One look at this new party game from North Star Games and you’ll know right away that saying Crappy Birthday is all in jest.

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Many Board Game and Card Game Reviews coming

Haven’t seen a board game video review for a while?

Don’t worry, we have a bunch on the horizon. But for some reason we’ve been running into software problems recently. It’s curious since it’s the same editing software we’ve used for our more than 80 board game and card game reviews that are posted on the site.

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