Best Board Games of 2016

What are the Best Board Games of 2016 for families?

After playing more than 180 different games in 2016 we’re ready to make the call.

Total number of game plays = 449
Total number of new games played = 131

That’s right, I played about as many “new to me” games in 2016 as I did total games in 2015.

We also posted 57 game reviews during 2016 – the most we’ve ever done in 1 year!

Here are the 7 games we consider the best board games of 2016.

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Have a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

There’s so much to love about Christmas.

As the year comes to an end, we get to take time to reflect on all that we’ve experienced over the past year and appreciate our blessings.

We also get to spend lots of time with family – a grand blessing indeed.

But the biggest blessing of all is found in the reason for the season.

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Star Wars: Imperial Assault game insert

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story opens in less than a week!

I can hardly wait.

And to keep my excitement alive and well, Star Wars: Imperial Assault is staying set up on our game table for playing a number of times this week.

The game also has a lot of components including the miniatures, tokens, dice, various card decks, and plenty of tiles.

But with a great game insert, like this one from Insert Here, keeping it so well organized in the game box makes set up much simpler.

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Scythe Factory is a great addition

When you’ve got something you love, you want to treat it with care.

The same holds true for board games.

Rather than having cool game pieces get banged around inside the game box, more and more people are now buying game inserts to organize the components in games they love.

This rise in demand has also fueled in increase in the options and quality of such inserts.

And today we’d like to introduce you to such a quality insert from Meeple Realty — Scythe Factory.

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Full of Gratitude

With Thanksgiving this week in the US, we want to take some time to express our gratitude.

There are so many things to be thankful for that this post could be a very long one.

But we’ll keep it short.

The first thing we’re most thankful for is our family. It’s not easy being a parent (or sibling) and some days are tougher than others, but it’s so worth it. There’s no other place where we can learn to love another so much as in our own homes.

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More Broken Token Game Inserts

Last month we shared our thoughts about the 7 Wonders box organizer from The Broken Token.

Well, today we’re back with even more organizing goodness from The Broken Token.

But this time we’re going out of this world… looking at the organizers for both Cosmic Encounter and Among the Stars.

Right off the bat I’ll let you know that The Broken Token box organizers are the easiest of all the wooden box organizers / game inserts we’ve put together.

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Game Trayz inserts and resources

We’re not surprised to see board game industry continue to accelerate every year. More games are being published each year and more people are getting into the hobby.

It’s just natural when you find something you enjoy you want to share the experiences with family and friends. And board games, card games, dice games, and party games are experiences meant to be shared.

One tell-tale sign about the growth in the industry over the last decade is the recent surge in board game accessories. Two of the popular ways to enhance board games are through custom game inserts and game components.

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Our Favorite Family Board Games A to Z

This time of year it’s popular among board game reviews to list their Top 100 games of all time.

However, we don’t want to do what everyone else is doing. Instead, we’re trying a new guideline for our favorite board games list.

We’ve narrowed our list down to our favorite games starting with each letter of the alphabet.

That’s right. It’s time to reveal our favorite family board games from A to Z!

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Broken Token box organizers are fantastic!

With so many board games in our game closet, we’re always looking for ways to organize our games to save space.

Some of the culprits that take up shelf space are game expansions.

When the games we love come out with game expansions, what are we to do?

Enter The Broken Token box organizers!

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