LEGO Juggernaut

By show of hands, who doesn’t have some LEGO bricks lying around their house?

If you’ve got young boys, chances are high that you’ve got LEGOs as well.

With the release of ‘The Lego Movie’ this weekend we’ve got LEGO on the brain. Our son Jaden saw the movie with his friends on Saturday and came back with a big smile on his face. And yep, I’m planning to see it soon too.

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125 Different Games Played in 2013!

As we dive into a new year, I love to look back over the board games, card games, and party games I’ve played during the past year.

For 2013, I’ve played 125 different games!

Thanks to as well as the cool app for it, it’s so simple to record which board games I play. After playing a game, I’ll simply click on “Record a Play” and boom, it’s done. Then I can easily pull reports of all sorts to review the games I’ve played.

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Best Value Boards Games

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
So too is the value of a board game.

Having played a ton of different board games and card games, we can attest to the fact that not all board games are created equal. Some games are so compelling they’re hard to stop playing. Other games can’t end soon enough.

The value of a board game or card game can’t be judged on price or quality of the components alone.

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Board Games to Leave Up

Where do your board games spend most of their time?

Your answer is probably: “on a game shelf” or “in the closet”.

Most board games are found resting on game shelves and in closets. That’s where they go to sleep off the exertion from being played.

And that’s okay.

It’s best to keep most games stored away in their boxes. As much as they love to be played, at the end of the day, they like to keep their own little family (components) safely tucked in.

But that doesn’t mean EVERY game needs to be put away at the end of play.

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Kudos to The Art of Manliness

As we mentioned in our last post, earlier this year we heard about a fantastic website: The Art of Manliness.
As the name implies, it’s a website dedicated to men. However, the thing that impressed us the most when we heard about it, is the dedication the site has to true manhood – honorable manhood.

The creators of the site didn’t like the way most magazines and sites focused on men delved too much into salacious material. They realized that the world needs more focus on things that build good character.

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