Memoir ’44 week for D-Day Commemoration

This past week I’ve played a lot of Memoir ’44.

And I’ve loved every minute of it!

Those that are familiar with our reviews will know that Memoir ’44 is one of my favorite board games. And it’s my most-played 2-player board game.

Since I first played Memoir ’44 with my buddies, we’ve held an annual D-Day Commemoration game night around June 6.
I always look forward to it and have yet to be disappointed.

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Best Board Games 2015 – Nominees are set!

What are the best board games and card games from 2015?

We’ll soon find out because the annual Dice Tower Awards are upon us.

The annual awards recognize the best board games published every year and the 2015 nominees were just announced.
Over 4,000 new board games, card games, dice games, and party game are published each year. So finding the best board games and card games takes a bit of time.

Lucky for you, board game reviewers from around the world take part in The Dice Tower Awards.

Check out this year’s nominees!

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Awesome Washington D.C. Game Store – Labyrinth

Last week, I was away on a business trip on my birthday.

Since I love spending time with family and friends on special occasions, being on the road for my birthday didn’t sound too enticing. But I wouldn’t let that slow me down.

Instead, I’d just find a different way to celebrate and have fun on my birthday.

I figured the proper way to spend a birthday is with others. So I made my way to the Labyrinth game store!

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Love visiting great board game stores

Last week I was traveling for work and decided to take advantage of some of the evening time visiting a couple game stores along the way.

I stopped by the Fair Game store in Downers Grove, IL as well as the Fantasy Flight Games Center near Minneapolis, MN.

I had a great time visiting both stores and would highly recommend them to anyone either living in those areas or passing through.

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Last day of fun at SaltCon 2016 – Day 3

After a couple great days at SaltCon, I was looking forward to one final day of fun.

So with just a few hours of sleep, I was happily diving back into action before the main gaming hall opened.

Knowing it was the final day of SaltCon, I had to make the most of the day playing games at the top of my want-to-play list. And there were still many people I was hoping to meeting up with before the end of the con. It would be a busy and fun day!

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Fun at SaltCon 2016 continued – Day 2

After a full Day 1 at SaltCon 2016 into the wee hours, I headed to my hotel room for a few hours of sleep before diving back into many more tabletop games on Day 2.

Of course, in addition to playing games, I took more time on Friday to visit with the exhibitors in the game hall and talk to publishers and game designers. I also perused the Game Swap area every now and then for a hidden game gem.

After the main game hall opened that morning, I once again found a couple friends and we headed for the Hot Games area.

Now on to mini game reviews of the 11 games I played on Day 2!

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