Ticket to Ride: New York board game review

What if you took a popular continental train game and compressed it into just one city?
Well, that’s what Days of Wonder has just done with their ever-popular, Ticket to Ride game!
It features similar game play to what you’re familiar with in Ticket to Ride games but in a compressed format – in size, scope, and game time.
If you think a game of Ticket to Ride takes too long to play. Or if you want a bit more of that bustling Manhattan pace in your games, Ticket to Ride New York may be the game for you!
Check out our video review of Ticket to Ride: New York to see how to play this fun family board game.
And enter to win a copy for your family!!
Can the whole family enjoy Ticket to Ride: New York?
Ticket to Ride has been on our Must Have Family Board Games list for many years for an obvious reason – it’s a great family board game. And Ticket to Ride: New York is no different.
In fact, Ticket to Ride: New York is actually an even better way to dive into Ticket to Ride game play for first time players.
Ticket to Ride: New York is a bite-sized version of Ticket to Ride that players of all ages can easily get into. As you can see in our video review, the game play is simple and turns go by quickly. With only 3 options to pick from on a turn, and each option being a quick action, there’s hardly any downtime even in a game of 4 players. By the time you’ve figured out what to do on your next turn, it is your next turn.
One of the things we love about Ticket to Ride games is imagining you’re actually going on a trip to the locations you claim routes for. And Ticket to Ride: New York is no different. When we play, we imagine riding from one location to another for a visit.

How does Ticket to Ride New York compare to other Ticket to Ride games?
We’re guessing you’ve figured out the differences between Ticket to Ride: New York and the other versions with a quick glance at the video or the photos in this post.
The most obvious differences are readily apparent – the size and number of cars.

For starters, the game board is tiny compared to its counterparts. Second, players only have 15 cars instead of 45. Combine these together and you’ll know right away the game is going to last a fraction of the time.
The other noticeable different on the game board is the lack of a score track. Instead, of tracking player scores during game play when routes are claimed, players hold off scoring anything until the end of the game. This also increases the speed of play. Because now players don’t have to move their markers every time they claim a route (or wonder later if they forgot to score their route when placed). Since players claim fewer routes in a game, it’s easy to just count them up at the end and jot the number on the score pad.

Another difference is in bonus scores for claiming routes into tourist attraction spots. Having these in the game not only mean extra points, but it also means that players are going to be quicker to claim routes into those areas – making it more congested more quickly.
Players won’t take multiple turns in a row just collecting transportation cards when route-claiming is at a premium. And diving for more Destination Tickets later in the game to see if you can get a destination that covers routes you’ve already claimed is a much more risky undertaking. Since the game ends more quickly, you’re more likely to be stuck with uncompleted destinations that way.
The game feels a lot more like a race.

The last difference we’ll note is the size of the cards – they’re mini. Some people don’t like mini-sized cards, but they feel very appropriate for a game this size. It’s not a table hog at all.
In fact, Ticket to Ride: New York will be the perfect size Ticket to Ride game to take on family vacations!
The game box is small, and you don’t need much table space to play – both great elements when thinking of games to pack for a trip.

How does Ticket to Ride: New York score on our “Let’s Play Again” game meter?
Ticket to Ride: New York scores well on our “let’s play again” game meter but not as high as we first thought it might.
Yes, the quick game play means it’s easy to play again right after one game ends. But it also means a less-satisfying experience for our grown family members because it ends so quickly. We prefer the more involved, larger Ticket to Ride games.
That may be a common factor for players who’ve been playing Ticket to Ride for years. If you like the variety of options in grander maps with opportunities to develop out different plans over a longer period, then Ticket to Ride: New York may feel like you’re just getting one scoop of ice cream in your sundae. Yes, it tastes great, but you’re going to want more.
On the other hand, if you’ve got young kids in your family or if you’re just getting into family board games, then Ticket to Ride: New York is a great place to start. It’s a quick and simple way to play Ticket to Ride. In fact, we can see it being a great bedtime game – a quick game to play just before you settle kids into bed.
You can pick up a copy of the game exclusively at Target starting July 7, 2018.
We’d like to thank Asmodee for providing a review copy of Ticket to Ride: New York.
I can’t even remember the last time I had a picnic. It feels like that’s a bit harder to do in TX with the hot summers. We’ve been camping, but that’s not quite the same thing.
More on-topic to this post, I really appreciate the written review with pictures. Well-organized and easy to read through to get an idea about the game.
Peter – Those do sound like hot summers in TX. Good luck in the giveaway!
Last time my family and I had a picnic was just last week when we visited the zoo!
Charles – Thanks for entering! Hope you had a great time at the zoo.
The last time we had a picnic was just last week in our backyard. Our 3 daughters love having picnics or eating outside on our deck whenever weather permits! Thanks for the chance to win TTR:NY, it looks like a fun, fast paced game that the family will enjoy.
Brad – Thanks for entering the giveaway. Good luck!
Looks cute. I wonder if this is the beginning of a planned series of “city” TTR games.
I’m a bit disappointed that the map is just lower Manhattan. I know that where most of the tourist destinations are, but When I first saw the game I was hoping it would let me build the NYC subway map.
Charley – We kind of thought it would be subways as well when we first heard of it.
I love the idea of a shorter and smaller TTR!
Andrea – Then Ticket to Ride: New York will be just right for you!
Never heard of this version until now, would be a great picnic game!
Mavis – That’s because it just released today! Good luck in the giveaway!
My family loved exploring the subway system when we visited NYC. Very different than our life in the suburban Midwest for sure.
Nadine – That’s a great thing to do.
Looks fun!
My favorite part of NY is Broadway!!
I have never visted New York but I do enjoy the Knicks…might be the only one haha
Bryce – Maybe you’ll have to get to a Knicks home game.
I’ll second Broadway
Very nice.
My favorite part is that maybe someday I’ll get there and see a Broadway show.
Jon – Broadway shows are a big draw for us as well.
I’ve never been to New York City, but I’d like to see the Chrysler Building, Central Park, Ellis Island, and the NY Public Library.
Have you ever done a ranking of the Ticket to Ride maps and expansions?
Dean – We haven’t done a ranking because we’ve only played a handful of them.
Looks like a fun game to play with my 7-year-old, he likes original Ticket to Ride but has a short attention span! Thanks for the review.
Kelly – This could be the very sweet spot you’re looking for – catering shorter game play time for those attention spans.
I think that it will feel like a Kingdomino where you can get the whole experience in around 15 minutes. Can’t wait to try it and see how it goes, we gave away our TTR Europe copy to friends as a Christmas gift, and we are itching for another play.
Eduardo – This may scratch that itch.
I need this game for my Ticket To Ride Collection. I even just got a promo set of Translucent Trains to play the game with.
Jared – I bet those translucent trains are pretty sweet.
I want the game
I was curious about this edition when I heard it announced. I wasn’t sure how well they could compact the experience into a single city and still have it work. Looks like it played out well. I like some of the changes in the way they shrink downtime and push for faster play by discouraging hoarding of train cards to be able to build huge routes and then pick up destination cards to cover them.
I’ve only been to NYC once but my wife has been many times. I’m sure this would bring back some nostalgia for her. The one day I was there we tried to rush to as many fun tourist spots as we could as well as finding some ‘hole in the wall’ spots for food and fun off the beaten path. We ran into Jerry Orbach while we walked down broadway and stopped into a memorabilia shop. We had some great pizza in a dive just off the Brooklyn bridge. I love how eclectic and energetic the city is.
Okie – I think they’ve done a great job at making the game work on a small scale.
I’ve never visited New York, but I would love to see Broadway and Central Park sometime.
Hannab – They’re great to have on your “want to visit” list.
I’ve never been to NYC, but I would love to see some plays.
Annette – That’s a big draw for us as well.
It has been over 40 years since I was in NYC, but my favorite place from my 1 trip there was the Empire State Building.
Dewayne – The Empire State Building is definitely impressive and a wonderful view from the top.
Yankee Stadium is my favorite part of NYC
NShip – I’ve never been to Yankee Stadium, but I’ve got a neighbor that’s been there many times. He’s a huge Yankee fan.
I’ve never been to NYC, but would love to try all the different restaurants and great food!
Matt – Good luck if you set out to try “all” the different restaurants. 🙂
My favorite parts of NYC are Bill & Catherine; two good friends for many years who moved there. Other then them, there would be so many things to do and see.
Lance – That’s awesome you put people first!
I’ve only visited New York once, but my favorite part was our trip to Central Park. It was crazy to find a place so calm in the midst of the bustling city.
Jeremy – On my first visit to NYC that was the big thing I wanted to do – just walk all over Central Park.
I love the culture. I’d love to get up there and experience all that New York has to offer.
Trey – It may take many visits to try it all. But I’m guessing you’re up to giving it a shot.
I love baseball. I would want to visit Yankee Stadium
The completionist in me just groaned OH NO, but a quick TTR may be irresistible.
As a truck driver the skyline.
Donald – I know exactly what you mean.
My favorite part is Broadway!
TTA – Fabulous!
We go to NYC often so this is awesome!
Jessica – That would be great.
I love that there is so much to see and do in NYC! Also, so many yummy food destinations!
I’m excited about a shorter, smaller TTR! We don’t always have time for the longer game.
Melisa – Hopefully this will be a good fit for your game time length.
My favorite part of NYC would have to be Times Square and the lights at night.
Amanda – That’s quite the display at night.
My fave part of New York City is the high Line. Love the planting and the seating areas. Fabulous views of the city too.
Sheila – I’m not familiar with that. I’ll have to put that on my list for next time.
Thanks for the review! My family loves ticket to ride so we can’t wait to try this one!
Tracy – I hope you enjoy it!
I’ve never been to NYC, but I’d love to visit Broadway.
Never been to New York but sure this game would be great introduction to the City! & a great route planner!
Jean – That could be a good way to use the game – to get a good sense of how to plan out your trip.
I’ve never been to New York before, but as a baseball fan I must say Yankee Stadium.
DutchYoda – I can see why that’s a must on your list.
Great review of the game. My favorite thing in NYC is for sure the 9/11 museum and memorial. It’s just reverent and humbling!
Bonnie – I haven’t been to NYC since they finished the memorial. That’s on the list for my next trip too.
Favorite part of New York is Central Park. I got engaged there.
Mark – That’s definitely something to love about New York!
Thanks for the contest
Pizza, strolling down Broadway and through Central Park, museums, and the Brooklyn Bridge!
Never visited NYC, game looks fun! We enjoy the other TTR editions.
Lea – Good luck in the giveaway.
Never bought a copy of this as it’s in our group but this way I can pretend I’m on an episode of Friends! (Sorry-on maternity leave with a Netflix subscription)
Bex – It’s always nice to be part of a group that shares the purchasing of great games.