It’s Garbage Day! (and a Giveaway)

Parents around the world all know what it’s like trying to get their kids to clean their rooms. It’s a constant battle we all go through.
And even when a child says their room is clean, all it takes is a peak under their bed or in their closet to see where they really stashed everything.
Well, we’ve got just the game for you – Garbage Day!
In Garbage Day, no one wants to take out the garbage or clean their room. So players try to see how much garbage they can get away with stacking on the growing pile or stashing in their rooms.
It’s a fun premise that everyone can relate to. And it’s a fun game that everyone can enjoy!

How to play Garbage Day
The objective in Garbage Day is pretty simple – to be the last player standing.
Players take turns stacking garbage cards onto the heaping Garbage Can or stashing them in their rooms. If the pile of garbage cards on the can falls during their turn, that player must place the fallen cards in their Overflow pile. If a player’s Overflow is too large, they’re out of the game.
If everyone else is eliminated, you win!
Set Up
Game set up is really easy.
First place the Garbage Can in the middle of the play area with the lid upside down.
All players get a Room card and one Clutter card, which they place in their Room (everyone starts with a little clutter in their room).
Players shuffle the garbage cards and each person draws 2 garbage cards for their hand.
Now the game can begin.

At the start of a player’s turn, they draw until they have 3 garbage cards in hand.
They then choose one card to play. The icons on the cards indicate where the card can be played – either onto the can, in their room, or in an opponent’s room.
Placing a card on the garbage can is the crux of the game and has everyone holding their breath.
When placing cards on the garbage can, they must be placed face up one at a time using only one hand. The two holes at the top of the card must be placed cannot be placed over any existing card or the can. In other words, players must be able to see the table through both holes.

The Mischief cards can be played into a player’s Room.
Each Mischief card explains what it does. For example, it may let a player move a card from their own room to the other player’s room or force the other player to clean their Room.

If a player causes cards to fall from the garbage pile during a their turn, they must take the fallen cards and place them in their Overflow area. If the total number of cards in their overflow area is greater than the number indicated on the Room card, they’re eliminated from the game.
If the value of the cards stashed in a player’s Room is 10 or more, the player must clean their Room. To do so, the player must place the cards from their Room onto the garbage can one at a time. Players cannot clean their room early – they can only clean it once it reaches a value of 10 or more.

The game ends when there’s only one player remaining – the winner.
Actually, the rules do explain what happens if there are more than one player still in the game after the deck of garbage cards runs out, but you’ll just have to play and discover that yourself.

Can the whole family enjoy Garbage Day?
Garbage Day is a fantastic game for families!
And you can probably already tell your kids will love it.
The theme of the game itself is a hoot – letting the garbage pile up in the garbage can and in their rooms. After all, what kid enjoys taking out the garbage?
The garbage cards themselves are funny and we all get a kick out of saying what we’re putting in the pile. “There goes my empty cereal box.” “How about some overdue library books.” “My worn out gym socks have got to go.”

But the most amazing part is how many cards can be stack on that garbage can without falling!
Just like balancing trash on a real garbage can before it gets taken out, the stacked cards in Garbage Day almost defy gravity!
We’re all amazed at how many cards we can place before something falls.
Once the pile starts to bend, everyone is mesmerized watching player after player continue to place more cards on the stack without it falling.
And when a player’s room finally gets too large and they have to place all those cards on the pile, you can feel the anticipation as each card goes on one by one.

Which leads to one point that we think is kind of crazy – the Overflow size.
Players are eliminated when the number of cards in their Overflow exceeds the number indicated on their Room card. But those numbers are so low; they pretty much don’t matter at all. For example, it says that in a 5-player game, players are eliminated with more than 3 cards in their overflow. And with 2 players, more than 5 cards eliminate a player.
The problem we’ve found is that when cards fall, it isn’t just 1 or 2. When cards fall in our games, we’re taking on 20+ cards!
Of course, we haven’t played Garbage Day with young kids. Maybe in those games the garbage pile doesn’t get as large before some cards fall. So perhaps young kids may be collecting just 3 cards and will still be in the game.
But that’s not how it goes for us.
In our games, there’s no need to worry about overflow size. Because when we’re able to stack 40 cards on the can, when cards start to fall, they almost all come crashing down.
And we get a kick out of it every time!
We don’t always like games with player elimination. But in Garbage Day, players aren’t eliminated for long. And even when we’re eliminated, we’re still anxiously watching the growing pile of garbage to see when it’s going to fall next.
Simply put, Garbage Day is a lot of silly fun.

How does Garbage Day score on our “Let’s Play Again” game meter?
As you can imagine, Garbage Day scores very high on our “let’s play again” game meter.
The game is so simple to play, yet very engaging. Fun dexterity games have a way of drawing players into the game. And in Garbage Day, the anticipation mounts with every card added to the garbage pile.
The game doesn’t take long to play and there’s really not set up to worry about for playing again. Just shuffle the cards and you’re good to go again.
Garbage Day is a great game to get for your family.
It also makes a great stocking stuffer!
Black Friday Deal
Mayday Games is also offering a special deal on the Deluxe version of Garbage Day that comes with a silver garbage can as well as 7 playmats.
Instead of using a card for their Rooms, each player will use a special Room playmat for placing the cards in their room as well as their overflow card pile.
Check out the Silver Edition of Garbage Day as well as the special Black Friday deal.
Garbage Day Giveaway!
Once again, we’re happy to report we have an extra copy of the game to giveaway to a lucky winner!
Because you know we’re not giving away our copy of Garbage Day, it’s too fun.
Mayday Games gave us an extra copy of Garbage Day so we can give it away!
The timing is great because if you win, you’ll get Garbage Day before Christmas. And if you don’t win, you’ve still got time to buy a copy before Christmas.
Just complete the items below for entries in the contest before a random winner is selected.
Final day for entries is Sunday, December 4, 2016.
We’d like to thank Mayday Games for providing us a review copy of Garbage Day.
Looks like a fun game for all the family! Thanks for the overview and for the giveaway.
took it out this morning!
Last night
Took it out 16 days ago because I have been out of town since then !
This morning.
Can’t wait to play
and took out the garbage several times yesterday … Thanksgiving … happens when you have 12 guests …
Took it out this morning!
We’re actually looking for a good dexterity game and this one looks like the one. Can’t wait to play it with the family.
My daughter took it out this morning–does that count??
I took it out last night after all our guests left.
Love your reviews!
I took the garage out last night and will take it out again in a few minutes.
I last took out the garbage on Monday.
Last Wednesday … Every Wednesday
My husband takes out the garbage nearly every day.
Thanks for the review! Looks like a good one to break out over the upcoming Christmas holiday
Last time I only had to take out half the garbage because my wife actually attempted to take it all out, which was nice. She missed some items as it has fallen to be to get everything out to the curb each week.
Garbage day is Wednesday, so Tuesday night last week.
Looks like a nice, light family weight game to play with visiting non-gamer relatives for the holidays!
Looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for the review!
Four times yesterday, we had our Thanksgiving yesterday, now is the time for leftover turkey sandwiches!
Every day :/
Took the garbage out last night!
It reminds me that I have to take the trash out. It’s starting to smell.a
Looks fun
It’s been a couple days since our trash has gone out…