Kudos to Fathers everywhere
Today’s another great day to celebrate parenthood. We start with Mother’s Day in May and follow with Father’s Day in June. It’s a nice one-two punch for parents.
Cheers to those who sacrifice so much to raise their children!
It’s not an easy task.
Every year that passes, I come to appreciate fatherhood even more.
Not just because of my own stage of life as a father, but of all fathers around the world past, present and future.
And I know I’m not alone.
It happens to all of us as we age. The more we experience ourselves, the more we can appreciate the experiences of others. And in turn, appreciate others themselves.
As parents, it seems our kids present us with new challenges every day. And we have to learn something new – or many times learn the same things over again and again but in a different light (like Patience).
We also realize we must have done the same to our parents.
So today’s a great day to honor our fathers as well commit anew to be the best father we can be.
Reach out to all the fathers that have made an impact in your life and let them know how much you appreciate it.
Let’s also share a bit more love with our children today than we did yesterday.
Happy Father’s Day!