Be Ready For Your New Games

If your family finds new board games, card games, dice games, or party games under your Christmas tree this week, you’re in for a treat.
You’re also in for some learning time.
Because in order to know how to play those shiny new games, you’ll first have to learn how to play them.
And that can be tricky when your kids clamor to play their new games immediately. They won’t want to wait while you to read all the rules. They’ll just want to play.
You’re in luck because we’ve got some tips for you.
Earlier this year, we shared 6 Tips for Learning a New Board game.
Those 6 tips are all great once you’ve already got a game in hand. But in this case, you’ll want to be prepared before your kids open their game gifts on Christmas day. So tips 4 and 5 won’t do you any good yet.
So here’s a couple tips to help you get familiar with the games ahead of time.
1. Read the Rules Early

Reading the rules in advance of Christmas day isn’t as hard as you might think. Because you don’t have to open the game box to get to the rules.
Instead, you can download a pdf version of the rules for many modern board games.
Go to and use the search bar at the top of the page to find your new game. Once on that page, scroll down until you find the FILES section. Look through this section for a link to the games rules in pdf form.
If you can’t find a pdf version of the game, try tip #2.
2. Watch a Video Review

If you haven’t done so already (like during your evaluation of what games to buy), watch a short video review showing how to play the game.
We’ve done over 200 video reviews of fun family board games, but that barely scratches the surface of games available. However, it’s very likely that someone has posted a video review of the games you have under your tree.
Head to the same source ( and look for the VIDEO section on the game page. Click a link and get a quick visual run through of how the game plays. Then you may just need a quick glance at the rules on Christmas day to be up and playing.
Give it a try.
Follow these tips and you can keep those new games wrapped and under the tree.
And best of all, your kids will see you for the all-knowing, wise parent that you are.
If you’re finding this after Christmas day and you’ve got a bit more time to learn those new games, check out all 6 Tips for Learning a New Board game.