Father’s Day – Dad’s New Favorite Games
It’s the day we give a big shout out to fathers everywhere.
Kudos to all the great dads out there who are doing their best to raise their children to be solid contributors in the world.
In years past, I’ve taken time over Father’s Day to write sentimental posts about my own father and the joy of being a dad.
Well, this year, I’m going to skip all that stuff and give you an updated list of my favorite games!
And chances are, if you’re looking for a board game gift for yours or any other dad, then this list is what you’re after.
In 2012, I listed my Top 14 Best Board Games list.
But since then, I’ve played a ton more games and have added many more to my favorites list. So when I purged games from our game shelves after Christmas, it gave me a change to reorganize the shelves with my favorites (old and new) taking prominent spots.
Here’s my favorites list from 2012: (click on the game name to see our full reviews)
- Memoir ’44
- Dominion
- Power Grid
- Carcassonne
- Kingdom Builder
- Hive
- Sequence
- Catch Phrase
- The Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation
- Castle Panic
- Code 777
- Ultimate Mastermind
- Blokus
- The Resistance
And here are 18 more board games and card games I’ve played and added to my favorites list since then: (we’ve reviewed most, but some reviews are still to come)
- RoboRally
- Star Wars: Imperial Assault
- Scotland Yard
- Black Fleet
- Colt Express
- K2
- Gravwell
- Telestrations
- Risk Legacy
- Castles of Mad King Ludwig
- Qin
- Alien Frontiers
- Mysterium
- Descent: Journeys in the Dark (2nd edition)
- Sheriff of Nottingham
- Battlestar Galactica
- The Resistance: Avalon
- Forbidden Desert
There are just SO many great board games out there to play with your friends and family.
If you’re planning to give dad another copy of Monopoly for Father’s Day, then you better think again.
Even if you just randomly select one of the games listed above, your father will be very pleased.
Go dads!