Are you a Rule Breaker?

As board game reviewers we’re regularly playing new board and card games.
But that also means we first have to learn all those RULES.
Sometimes that can be a big chore. Playing a game that you already know the rules to can be a lot more relaxing.
In fact, when playing a game you’re very familiar with, it’s often fun to change up the rules. Or should I say, Break the Rules!

I just witnessed this very thing last week. Brooke and Caleb had pulled out our old game of Sorry from the back of the game closet and played it multiple times daily for over a week.
At first I was taken aback by them choosing such an old “move around the board” game when we have so many more dynamic games to choose from.
But they were have a grand ole time.
They’d fly through the game, flipping and moving as fast as they could. And pretty soon, they were Breaking the Rules. Actually, they were simply making up their own rules that they wanted to test out. “What if we slid backwards up the slides?” “What if this… or that…?”
They had a blast breaking the rules over and over.
Well, what if we told you there are tons of rules we live by just waiting to be broken?
Would you seize the day, break a rule, and have a blast?
It may be easier than you think, because there are plenty of rules we hold to that don’t really even exist…
Penguins Can’t Fly

A fantastic book by Jason Kotecki was just released that we think you’ll love: “Penguins Can’t Fly +39 other rules that don’t exist“
I’ve followed Jason’s writings on for many years because of how much he encourages having fun in life. He’s an artist, author, speaker, husband, dad, Batman fan, and “avid eater of sugar-laden cereal.” Yep – a great guy.
And now that he’s published a book, we want to share it as well.
Over the last few months, he’s shared sample chapters of the book through his blog and they’ve all been great to read.
So not only did I buy an early copy of the book – I bought 10 copies!

Because I’m going to give copies to my team at work. I believe infusing joy this way is great for all of us.
Not only do we love the fun content within, but the book is wonderfully produced!
It’s also packed with lots of his wonderful, fun, creative illustrations. It just looks and feels beautiful to boot. A perfect nightstand book.
Here are just a few snippets to give you a glimpse of what awaits.
Although impossible to track, there are probably hundreds of thousands of federal, state, and city laws in the United States, with new ones being proposed all the time. Interestingly, with all of the laws and rules on the books, the ones we often cling to the most fervently are the ones that don’t actually exist. You can’t eat dessert first. Your socks must match. Adults should “act their age“.
Rule #1 is Thou Shalt Act Thine Age:
Of all the rules that don’t exist, perhaps the most widespread is the notion that you are supposed to act your age… Any fool can tell you that when it comes to the average daily laugh quotient, the chasm between kids and adults is astronomical. Which age would YOU rather act?
Acting yourself to a new way of thinking is easier than thinking your way to a new way of acting.

I love that last line. Sometimes it just takes action to get our minds rolling in the right direction.
I know it’s tough to get out of bed and ride my bike. But just acting on it does amazing things. Once I’m riding, I feel I could go on riding for much longer and my mind gets behind the action and I feel great.
The same holds true for so many things in life. Or as Jason writes, “From now on, instead of acting your age, act more like the person you want to become.”
Rule #2 is Thou Shalt Color Inside The Lines:
It’s all a big smoke screen. None of this does anything to solidify your standing as a true artiste. (In fact, it encourages the opposite.) What it really does is teach you to conform.
You don’t have to do the same thing you’ve always done, just because that’s how (and when) you’ve always done them.
Eating dinner later because your family is in the middle of a heated board game is ok.
That’s right! He mentions board games. Of course we’re on board with that!
And just in case you were wondering if this direction is really up your alley, Jason addresses that inclination as well…
Most of us are not natural-born rebels. But in order to create an awesome story, you have to get reasonably good at breaking rules.
Of course, I won’t give all the rules that don’t exist away, but here are a handful more just to tease you:
- Thou shalt not let them see you car dancing.
- Thou shalt not celebrate without thine calendar’s permission.
- Thou shalt not jump in puddles.
- Thou shalt remove thy nametag immediately after an event.
- Thou shalt brag about how busy thou art.
- Thou shalt hate Monday.
- Thou shalt hide thy weirdness.
Break a rule that doesn’t exist!
But first, jump on over and buy the book – Penguins Can’t Fly.
We know you won’t regret it!
(And you can get it on Amazon for around $15!)
What rules are you going to break this week?
You can also check out Jason’s site at
(If the book doesn’t interest you, but learning rules to a new board game does, you can check out our recent post on 6 Tips for Learning a New Board Game.)
Thanks so much for the kind and generous review, Trent. Kim and I are big fans of what you guys are doing here. Keep up the great work testifying to the importance of family and being great role models of putting family first!!