Spiel des Jahres 2015 – nominees

The 2015 Spiel des Jahres, Kinderspiel des Jahres, and Kennerspiel des Jahres award nominees were announced this week and we’re happy to see that Colt Express is one of the 3 finalists!
For those new to modern board games, the Spiel des Jahres is the major game award each year. In essence, it’s Game of the Year.
The whole purpose behind the Spiel des Jahres is to “promote games as a cultural asset to encourage gaming amongst family and friends”.
Because many in the board game industry said the Spiel des Jahres only looked at lighter fare, a few years ago, they changed the awards up a little to include a category for deeper strategic games. Thus the Kennerspiel des Jahres appeared on the scene.
But with a focus on family gaming, we think the main Spiel des Jahres as well as the Kinderspiel des Jahres are right in line with what our readers and video review viewers are looking for.

2015 Spiel des Jahres nominees are:
- Colt Express
- Machi Koro
- The Game
Of the 3 nominees, I’ve played Colt Express and Machi Koro. And between those 2 games, Colt Express gets my vote!
I first played Colt Express at SaltCon in March and enjoyed it so much that it went to the top of my game wish list. After receiving it for my birthday in April we’ve played it as a family as well as for Guys Game Night. And it’s been well received every time.

It’s a fun game of pre-programmed movement where players are train robbers trying to get the most loot. In the first phase, players choose which action cards they want to play and in what order. Then in the second phase all those actions take place.
The actions include moving from train car to car, moving up or down from the roof, picking up some loot, punching, shooting, or moving the sheriff. And because the other players are also tossing in their actions, you never know if what you plan to do will actually go according to plan.
It’s lots of fun.
And we hope Colt Express wins.
2015 Kinderspiel des Jahres nominees are:
2015 Kennerspiel des Jahres nominees are:
We’ve heard good things about both Orléans and Elysium, but haven’t played any of these games, so we don’t have a favorite to cheer for.
And if you’d rather look back at past Spiel des Jahres winner to choose from, here’s the mega list going back to 1979.
Spiel des Jahres winners
Year | Game of the Year | Our quick thoughts |
2014 | Camel Up | Haven't played it. We've also heard the runner-up game, Splendor, is a great family game. |
2013 | Hanabi | Heard lots of great things about it. Didn't enjoy it very much. |
2012 | Kingdom Builder | One of dad's favorite board games because of the variable layout, powers, and objectives. Read our full review. One of the connoisseur runner-up game of the year was K2 - one that dad loves as well. |
2011 | Qwirkle | A great family board game of matching colors and shapes. Read our full review. Although we wish the runner-up game, Forbidden Island, had actually won since it's a great family cooperative game. The connoisseur game of the year in 2011 is also a big favorite of ours: 7 Wonders |
2010 | Dixit | Great party game with lots of creativity. Read our full review of Dixit Odyssey. |
2009 | Dominion | A go-to favorite card game hands down. Dad's most-played game. If you haven't tried Dominion yet, it's time to remedy that. Read our full review. This was a big year since Pandemic was also in the running. A very tough choice between the two because they're both excellent. |
2008 | Keltis | Haven't played it. Though we do have a runner-up game, Stone Age, that's a great worker-placement game. It's the often recommended "entry-game" into the worker-placement style of board games. Our full review of Stone Age is coming soon. |
2007 | Zooloretto | Good family game kids will love for the animals. Review on the way soon. We'd also really like to try a runner-up game - The Thief of Baghdad. |
2006 | Thurn and Taxis | Solid family board game that we haven't reviewed yet. We have it and have played a few times, but I'd like to play more. |
2005 | Niagara | Haven't played it. The game box being used as the game board (with the waterfall going over the edge) looks like fun. |
2004 | Ticket to Ride | On our "Must Have" family board games list for a good reason. It's a game that everyone in the family can enjoy together. It's also great on the iPad. Read our full review of Ticket to Ride: Europe. |
2003 | Alhambra | Haven't played it yet but would love to give it a try. |
2002 | Villa Paletti | Haven't played it. It's a building game requiring strategy and dexterity. |
2001 | Carcassonne | Another board game on our "Must Have" family board games list. It's one of the games that got us hooked on family board games. There's a good chance it will snag you too. Read our full review. |
2000 | Torres | Haven't played it and very hard to find. |
1999 | Tikal | Played only twice - enjoyed it each time. |
1998 | Elfenland | Haven't played it. But using dragons and unicorns as modes of transportation sounds fun. |
1997 | Mississippi Queen | Haven't played this paddle-wheel boat racing game. |
1996 | El Grande | Haven't played it. It's another hard to find game currently. |
1995 | Settlers of Catan | If you haven't played Settlers yet, stop what you're doing and play. It's often credited as ringing in the modern era of board games. Read our full review. |
1994 | Manhattan | Haven't played it. |
1993 | Call my Bluff | Haven't played it. |
1992 | Um Reifenbreite | Haven't played it. |
1991 | Drunter und Drüber | Haven't played it. |
1990 | Adel Verpflichtet | Haven't played it. |
1989 | Café International | Have only played the iOS version. Read our review. |
1988 | Barbarossa | Haven't played it. |
1987 | Auf Achse | Haven't played it. |
1986 | Top Secret Spies | Haven't played it. |
1985 | Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective | Haven't played it. |
1984 | Railway Rivals | Haven't played it. |
1983 | Scotland Yard | Just got a copy in 2014, and really enjoy it. It's a great deduction game where one player is on the run and the others work together to catch him/her. Read our full review. |
1982 | Enchanted Forest | Haven't played it. |
1981 | Focus | Haven't played it. |
1980 | Rummikub | Fun family game of set creation and rearranging. Dad loves to rearrange a ton. |
1979 | Hare and Tortoise | Haven't played it. |