Kid History the party game!

One of our favorite series of YouTube videos to watch is Bored Shorts TV Kid Snippets. For those unfamiliar, Kid Snippets are short episodes of kids telling stories with adults acting them out. They’re a ton of fun.
And perhaps the best part is how family-friendly they are. In fact, that’s what they’re all about – family.
So we were super excited when we found out that they’re creating a game!
Appropriately enough, the game is called Kid History – The Party Game (like the web series that started it all) and Brooke is happy to show you what the game is all about.
Can the whole family enjoy Kid History – the Party Game?
That’s what the whole game is about – family fun.
Just like the video series, Kid History – The Party Game is meant for families to enjoy together.
That being said, because there’s reading involved we don’t expect many toddlers will join in the game. Of course, they could team up with a parent to play.
It’s own unique twist
Having seen many games with similar rules, we know that Kid History – The Party Game isn’t unique in how the game is played – with one judge picking their favorite from submitted cards each round. The most famous of this type of game is Apples to Apples. But that doesn’t mean Kid History isn’t fun in its own right.

We like the unique twist of matching silly statements from kids with historical quotes. History will never quite be the same.
Since playing the game with our family, every time Paul Revere’s famous ride is mentioned, in the back of mind will be him shouting, “Beware the wicked tomato!”
And at the same time, many of the historical moments may not be familiar to family members. Which is why we also like that the real statements are printed in grey at the bottom of each card. It can be a bit of a history lesson at the same time.
We highly recommend taking part in the Kickstarter campaign for Kid History.
Get in on a fun game and even have a chance of getting a quote from your kids in the game!
Check out Bored Shorts TV
If you haven’t seen Kid History and Kid Snippets on Bored Shorts TV, you’re missing out. Check out some of their videos and of course, check out the Kid History game!
Here’s their most recent Kid Snippets video – Cooking Pie.
And a couple of our favorites – Math Class and Josh Groban Backstage.
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Where do you buy kid history game?
Berrnice – you can get the game here: