Great gaming weekend – SaltCON 2015 – ahead!
Two weeks from today I’ll be having a blast playing a ton of board games at SaltCON!
What is SaltCON?
SaltCON is a board game convention in Salt Lake City, Utah for casual and competitive gamers alike that keeps getting bigger every year.
Once again this year it’s being held at the Davis Conference Center. And it runs Thursday through Saturday: March 12, 13, & 14, 2015.
If you love playing board games and think the idea of every once in a while playing non-stop for hours/days, then a board game convention may be just the thing for you.
I’ve attended SaltCON every year but one since 2010 and have a fantastic time every time.

The main reason why I enjoy it is because everyone is there to simply have fun and play games!
Which also makes it super easy to meet new people.
And SaltCON (and most board game conventions) is extremely family friendly. There isn’t anything you need to worry about at all.
It’s all about open gaming goodness for young and old alike.
I’m especially looking forward to meeting up with the friends I made last year and having a lot of fun playing even more games.
Game Library

The best thing about board game conventions is being able to play as many games as you can. And you don’t have to own them to enjoy them!
The game library is a dream.
Like a regular library, a game library let’s you check things out for a short period of time. Simply walk up to the library shelves, find the game you’d like to play, check it out, sit down at one of the many open gaming tables, and start playing!
They’re touting a game library of over 500 board games, card games, and dice games to choose from!
And as always, it will have many newly released games that people are anxious to try out.
Plenty of Game Time
Even though SaltCON runs for 3 days, I’m only able to be there two days.
Like last year, I’ve booked a hotel room near the conference center so I can get in even more play time. I live about an hour away from where SaltCON is held. So rather than making the drive back and forth each day, I’ll play as long as I want into the night, head next door for a bit of sleep, and then dive in right into playing first thing the next morning.

I’m sure I could get carried away through the night, but I like to get my rest too – it makes the games the next day more fun.
However, unlike last year, I’m not participating as a judge in the ION awards. So rather than spending a big chuck of time on Friday playing/judging a number of game prototypes, I’ll be playing games from the large library or other games that buddies I made last year will be bringing to play.
In addition, this year one of my nephews will be joining me for the fun!
He’s in his 20’s and loves playing board games as well. (He was in our review of Code 777 a number of years ago.)
Whenever our families gets together, he’s the one asking what games were bringing and which new games we’ll introduce him to.
So I’m pumped that he’ll be joining me for a couple days of gaming fun!
“New to Me” games to play
As you know, I never have a shortage of board games and card games on my “want to play” list. With thousands of new games coming out every year, there’s always something new tempting me.
Last year I had a list of 15 games that I wanted to try at SaltCON. I ended up playing only 5 on that list but played plenty more that were “new to me”.

This year is no different. Here are the 15 games I’m hoping to play/learn this year at SaltCON:
- Lords of Xidit
- Machi Koro
- Colt Express
- Dead of Winter
- Mysterium
- Five Tribes
- Last Will
- Sheriff of Nottingham
- Epic Resort
- Libertalia
- Space Alert
- Scoville
- AquaSphere
- Pandemic: The Cure
- Medieval Academy
- Spyfall
How many of these will I actually end up playing and how many others will be added?
Who knows. But I can hardly wait for such a fun gaming weekend!
If you’re going to be at SaltCON, drop me a line – it would be great to meet and play some games.