How to Host a Murder: The Chicago Caper

Last night we had a few couples over for dinner and murder.
Well, no one was actually murdered in our home last night, but we did have a very fun time playing How to Host a Murder: The Chicago Caper.
The How to Host a Murder games are a series of games that hit the game scene in the 1980’s. They’re murder-mystery, role-playing games where players take on the roles of potential murder suspects. Everyone arrives dressed, and in character, for a fun night of intrigue and accusations.
The few times we’ve played a How to Host a Murder game, we’ve had a great time. And last night was no exception.
How to Play How to Host a Murder games
How to Host a Murder games are fairly simple to understand and play. However, because it’s essentially a role-playing game, there tends to be some trepidation at diving in – both for the hosts and the players.

The game comes with almost everything you need to set the stage for the night. It includes a Host Guide book, character bios, character player manuals, secret clues (such as evidence and/or maps), invitations, name tags, a cassette tape (yes, it’s an older game), and even a sample menu plan. I say “almost” everything only because it leaves the food and attire up to the players.
That’s right, it’s up to all the players to get into character. And that starts with the attire.
The brief biographies of each character include suggestions for the type of attire for that character. When you send out the invitations to the guests, you’ll want to include the bios so the guests can properly prepare for the evening.
Once all the guest have arrived, the game begins.

Everyone gets their name tag and character player manual and turns to the first page. The host then reads through the brief rules of the game (such as no lying) and the scene to set the stage.
Players then turn the page to read their personal Dossier – which includes information that they may not want to reveal – and take turns introducing themselves to the group.
Then the host plays the tape (or CD if a newer game version), which gives the details of the case at hand, and Round One begins.
For each of the 4 rounds, players turn to the next page and read 2 sets of information. The first set is information they’ll try to conceal. The second set of information contains things they’ll need to reveal during the round.
After the Round Four, everyone names the character they believe to be the murderer and how it was done.
Once all the guesses are in, players hand their manual to the person on their left. Then everyone turns to the last page – the Solution – and take turns reading aloud the solution of that character, beginning with Solution #1. (Players don’t reveal what number they have until the appropriate turn.)
And of course, the dinner courses are served and devoured throughout all the pleasant/revealing/accusatory rounds of conversation.
The Chicago Caper
When I got a copy of How to Host a Murder: The Chicago Caper earlier this year at SaltCon, I had intended it for a game that our teen sons could play for a date night with friends. However, with Halloween approaching and not having had a couples game night for a long time, we figured now was the best time to just play it ourselves.
So we confirmed the dates, selected the roles for each guest, sent out the invitations, and went costume shopping.
And like with so many other costume needs, hitting a donation/thrift center is a great way to go.
The Chicago Caper roles include a district attorney, a club singer, a club owner, a bootlegger, a driver, a baseball pitcher, a reporter, and a deal broker – all with something shady to hide.

Since we don’t live near Chicago, it’s not easy to get Chicago Deep Dish pizza, so we got as close as we could with stuffed pizza for the main dish and sparkling cider.
Without spoiling the plot, let’s just say that similar to other How to Host a Murder games, everyone is suspect, has a motive, and an opportunity (or two). And even though we have our own dossier and character background info, we find out a lot about ourselves from other players.
It’s fun watching the surprised expressions when accusations are thrown about and players have to come up with answers that they may not yet even know the details about themselves.
Fun stuff.
Can the whole family enjoy How to Host a Murder?
While the theme of murder may not sound wonderful, the light-hearted nature of the game and getting dressed up and in character with friends, is a lot of fun.
When we told our kids what our dinner gathering of friends was about, they said, “Oh, like a live game of Clue.”
And that’s a pretty good description.
Clue is an extremely popular family board game, and it too centers around the theme of murder. Yet, have you ever thought of it as being a morbid game? We haven’t.
Instead we think of Clue as a fun family deduction game.
But with the name “Murder” in the actual game title, How to Host a Murder may be off-putting. And we completely understand that.
And you’re right that How to Host a Murder games are not for the whole family.

The first concern of ours with The Chicago Caper was regarding the content. Was there going to be salacious content that we wouldn’t want our teenage boys and their dates exposed to? Playing with other couples gave us a great opportunity to find out exactly what was in the game.
This particular game centers on Chicago rival gangs of bootleggers, gamblers, night club proprietors. So you can imagine why we might pause.
I’m happy to report that the game can be played without diving into such paths.
No one in our group drinks alcohol or gambles (or are lounge singers), but we had a great time with plenty of laughter as we played our various roles.
The game provides some information about what happens amongst the characters, but the rest is left up to the players to fill-in. So you can embellish as much as you want and take it the direction you’d like along the way.
What we enjoy about How to Host a Murder games
We’re not big role-playing game players. But we definitely enjoyed getting together with friends for a little bit of light character fun for The Chicago Caper.

Playing around Halloween time is awesome. Costume ideas are already in the air as parents and kids plan out what they’ll be for Halloween. Now I don’t have to worry because I’ve got a fresh costume with my argyle socks, sweater, and cap.
All of the names of characters in the game are very creative and tie in well to the theme. For example, the District Attorney S. Treighton Harrow, Molly M. Awbster, and Ernie G. Ambler were all part of the fun.
The toughest part of the game is trying to think on your feet with creative responses. With the big game rule of “no lying”, it’s sometimes hard to expound on something you’re cornered on, because you may not yet know the real answer. Of course, that’s also a lot of the fun seeing what someone will come up with and then catching them on it later and squirming.
The one major downside to the How to Host a Murder games are the single-play limit. Once you know the outcome, the draw just isn’t there to play again.
Sure you could play it with a different group of friends, but a lot of the fun will be missing for you if you already know the solution.
Which makes a How to Host a Murder game a great game for game trades. That’s how I got our copy of The Chicago Caper. And that’s most likely what I’ll trade away for another game at SaltCon next year.
Final Thoughts
If you haven’t tried a How to Host a Murder game before, we suggest you give it a shot.
Even if the thought of acting or role-playing scares you, when you’re among friends, it can be a lot of fun.
Who knows which or when, but we’re sure to play another How to Host a Murder game when the opportunity strikes.
Hey, I just picked up the Chicago caper at a thrift store a couple weeks ago. Now to find people for all the roles…
Hi there, I am hosting The Chicago Caper soon and don’t have Silky’s player clue manual. Please, please please can someone email it to me asap?
I just picked up the Chicago Caper at a thrift store and it is missing Billy’s clue. Would one of you be willing to scan that clue and send it to me? Thanks! I’d really appreciate it.
Hey Amanda, did you get Billy’s clue yet? I packed the Caper away somewhere when I moved but I can find it if you still need it.
Hiya Daniel, I am missing both Ernie and Silky’s clues- I wonder if you could scan these for me?
This was a great summary! Just what I was looking for! Thank you!
We just picked up The Chicago Caper at a thrift store for my daughters 17th birthday party. We are doing roaring 20’s & the game should be a lot of fun. BUT our game is missing the cassette (it’s old!) & the Host Guide. Can anybody help me with this? Thank you!
I picked up Chicago Caper, missing most clues & detective report. Can anyone help? to Leila – if you still need I can ‘trade’ – I’ll convert cassette to mp3 & scan host guide.
i just figured out how to send directly… i can send you what you’re missing if you still need them.
If you can help with my clues, i’ll tell you the ones i do have.
round 1 socks & scoop’
round 2 torchy & tat
round 3 molly & stu
round 4 Billy & two Harrows !
Tom, Did you ever convert the cassette to mp3?
I am missing the second half of the tape. My game has the intro and Hal Cappone’s phone call on both sides, I would love a copy emailed if possible, as you know the company is gone now. LUCAS@NTELOS.NET
Tim, I know your post is old, but were you ever able to get the mp3 of the audio for this game. I bought the game several years ago and lost the cd at some point. I’m planning the party now and need the audio. The only thing I can find on the net is a YouTube video of the intro, but there were no other tracks included.
Does anyone have all the cassettes converted? I have had the game for years, and would love to play it again, but without the cassette player we miss so much of the game. Thanks.
Were you able to convert it? We are planning to play the game on Friday and I can’t find the cassette or Scoop’s clue (rd 1). Anyone able to help?
Wonderful news ( I think) – I read the host guide more carefully , and there are only 6 clues, so i have them all, and i also had a couple form Powar & Greede mixed in…
so i guess i’m OK.
I COULD USE YOUR HELP>>>> i bought the same kit years ago, but we never got a chance to play it before “life” made us forget about it… i just came across it again and was trying to host a dinner with friends but it was so old it was a tape recording, yikes… found an old tape player but both sides of my tape are the intro and the phone call from Hal Carpone…. any chance you still have a recording and could email the last two recordings to me? i was really looking forward to finally using this game and now this, ugh…. ive been trying to reach the company but no luck so far, so i’m grasping as straws to find the recordings, thanks anyway, the night looks like a blast, tim lucas
Tim – I wish I could help you with finding the recordings. That’s definitely the downside of the old cassettes.
Hi, Thanks for this! How long did it take you to play? Are there scripted bits to read out (literially like reading a script) or is it all “Ask x character why they didn’t come to the club the previous night.”
I have an upcoming dinner party for 7 people that I need to chose a murder mystery for, and I’m desperate to find a 1920s / speakeasy one, but struggling. Do you think this would work with 7? Can any of the characters be left out?
I think it would be too much to have one person playing 2 characters :/
Gypsy – Since the game playing is interspersed with courses of the meal, it takes an evening (few hours) to enjoy. You’ll definitely want each person playing the role of one character.
Thank you very much for this info. So could anyone be left out, do you think? Is anyone a less important character? I really want to do this one, but as there are only 7 of us….
I would like to download a CD or have someone email me the internet version of the old cassette tape, is that possible. Is there someone willing to do that for me?
Stuart – A game relying on a cassette tape definitely creates some challenges nowadays. However, that content is the crux of the game and is copywrited. So I don’t imagine you can get a free version of it.
Hello, My fiance and I purchased this at a flea market and it has everything but ‘da facts of da case’ and all the secret clues .. is there any way you can email me a pdf of them? .. Thanks
Michael – Since this is an ‘experience’ game and we now know the solution, we traded our copy away for another game.
Hi does any one have the hostess guide please I have everything else. Thanks
Hi Liz,
Did anyone ever get back to you? I just got the game and I have the hostess guide. I could scan it in and email it to you.
Hi Karen, I have a very old version of the Chicago Caper that we want to use the 17th of March and am missing 2 things. Would you be willing to email me scanned copies of the Hostess Guide and the Police Report? Thanks, Lois
Hi, Karen!
My boyfriend and I bought the game in a market but it didn’t come with the host’s guide, do you think you could email it to me? Please, please, please!
My mail:
I have a full set ( I think, the box opened and might be missing clues) but I can send info to anyone if someone can verify how many secret clues there are. I have all books including the host guide. If I have all the clues then I can help anyone. Fireflykitkat at
Hi Kat
We just picked up the old vintage version of the Chicago camper and sadly the wrong invitations were put in the box from anoth r game!
Do u have an invite you could email to me?
Would be so so grateful!
Thanks in advance
Suz x
Hi Kat,
Wondering if you still have this. I am missing clue #2 and #3. From what I read it’s maybe Scoops and someone else’s? If possible could you email them to me? Would so appreciate it!
Thank you so very much
operationghs – We traded the game and no longer have it. Sorry we can’t help with those clues. Perhaps some others following this thread may be able to help.
I know this is an old posting but I thought I’d give it a shot and see if anyone can help. I am missing Clue #2 and Police Report Cheers : )
Hi Karen – what do you mean by clue #2. They are listed by character’s name and round #. I think I have all the clues and would be happy to send what you are looking for. Unfortunately, I also am missing the police report so can’t help you there. I am away for work for a few day but could send the clue when I return.
Seems like all your queries go unanswered on this site.
I have same questions about the non functioning tapes and the SILENCE IS DEAFENING.
Since posting above I found a site to play the introduction to the game I’ve saved the link which I could copy and send when I re find it and hoping to get clue for scoop.
Hey Jaye I have Scoop’s clue for you!
I have mp3s of the audio and I’d be happy to share links to them. Email me at sarahbeyerbell at yahoo dot com with Subject line MURDER MYSTERY. Good luck!
I picked up this game at a thrift store but I am only missing Torchy’s secret clue. If any one can help that would be awesome!!
Hey Cassie, Did you get Torchy’s secret clue. I am away for a few days for work but can scan and send when I get back.
Hello, I am missing the character manual for Billy. Does anyone have this? We are really hoping to play this game soon.
Please email me
Thanks heaps!
Hey, Desmond. Do you still want this?
Hi! Does anybody have the host’s guide of the game that can share with me?
I know this is an old post, but I have it. Where would you like me to send it?
I am in great need of the host guide, I have everything else if anyone needs it and I am working on converting to mp3 if anyone could PLEASE send me the host guide id be forever grateful
Hello, I am wanting to play this game but i am missing secret clue #1, which i believe to be Socks’. Would anyone be willing to share this with me? Thanks in advance.
I know this is an old post, but I have it and can send it to you if you still want it.
Hi I have the game but only have the introduction on the tape and am missing the host’s guide. Can any one help me please
I have it. Where would you like me to send it?
I have two of these boxes so I have all the books, clues, cd, host guide, et. If ANY of you need any of these, let me know. Email sarahbeyerbell at yahoo dot com Use Subject line: MURDER MYSTERY I’m happy to help.
Hi I have this game which we’re wanting to play but missing the host guide. If anyone can help me out and email
We are playing the Chicago Caper tonight, and just realized we are missing Silky’s clue 🙁 Could someone scan it and send it to me ASAP? Thanks so much!
Hi I have an old game with a cassette, but have nothing to play it on. It this crucial to the game? Thanks
Dallas – Yes, the audio is crucial for playing the game.
Yes, but we found the audio on youtube. We had the same issue.
The audio is now in youtube. Google “The Chicago Caper youtube”
We are playing Chicago capers next week and found we’re missing Secret Clue 6, can anyone send it to me please
All – I just tried to post a comment 2x and it is not showing up. (I’m guessing that is because I tried to post a link.) I have posted pics of all clues, the facts of the case, the diagram of the murder scene, the entire host guide, copies of the invitation as well as many other fun ideas for planning this party on a Pinterest board. Instead of posting the link, I’ll post how to search for me(pinterest dot com forward slash boxwinehero1) and the name of the board (Chicago Caper Murder Mystery Party).
Good luck!
thank you Sarah Bell found it on your Pinterest
Hi Sarah Bell,
Thank you for your Pinterest post! It was a big help. I have an old second-hand set but without any of the invitations.
Thanks, Sarah B. Your Pinterest site is great but I think I am missing the diagram and don’t see it there. Does anyone have it?
The diagram is there. If you want to email me at sarahbeyerbell at yahoo dot com subject line MURDER MYSTERY, I would be happy to send it to you.
We are trying to play but are missing books for Silky and Billy. Does anyone have a copy they can scan and share with me? Also, has anyone played Duke’s Descent? I am also missing Dame’s book from that one as well.
Hi Ronda,
I have Dame’s book from Duke’s Descent but we’ve lost Gwen’s – possible trade?
Hi ellcahill and Ronda,
I have both Dame’s book and Gwen’s book for The Duke’s Descent, but am missing Eve’s. I’d be happy to scan you over copies if you’re able to scan me over Eve’s! My email is I hope we’ll be able to help each other!
Hi ellcahill and Ronda,
I have both Dame’s book and Gwen’s book for The Duke’s Descent, but am missing Eve’s. I’d be happy to scan you over copies if you’re able to scan me over Eve’s! My email is I hope we’ll be able to help each other!
Hi Ronda and ellecahill,
I have Gwen’s and Dame’s book and would be happy to scan it to you. Please email me at clutzyrose at gmail dot com. I’m missing Eve’s book if you happen to have it!
I liked what you said about when you talk about a murder mystery party game, you don’t think it’ll be for kids. But I’m so glad you could make it for the whole family to enjoy. My family and I really enjoy board games, but we were getting tired of always playing the same ones, and we would’ve never thought of having a murder mystery party. Thanks for your idea of a new game of role-playing that everyone can join.
I’m going to host this game (I got it from my theatre teacher forever ago lol) for my 21st. The only thing is I’m missing secret clue #1, “Sock’s” clue, I think. I know this is an old thread, but I was hoping for a bit of a miracle. If you still have the game would you mind emailing me a picture or pdf of the clue at Thanks!
Alex – You are correct in that we don’t still have a copy of the game. Since it’s mostly a one time playthrough, we traded it years ago. But perhaps others that see this may be able to help.
Any chance you remember which character was the murderer? We played years ago and can’t remember.
Lori – No, we don’t recall that. So I guess it means we could play again and enjoy it anew.
hey, so I just picked this up from a thrift store and sadly it’s missing the host guide and cassette, if anyone could send me them I would greatly appreciate it, I have everything else and could return the favor if you are missing parts
Hi! I have everything but the sheet of secret clues. I’d be happy to see about an exchange of parts! I’d love to do this for my birthday in 2 weeks, if you could send me the info.
CM – Unfortunately, as our review of this game was 8 years ago, we’ve traded the game away many years ago and as such don’t have any parts to share.
Did you get the cassette? Looking for one.
Saw this thread and wondering if anyone still has this game. Looking for Ernie’s clue book and an audio file of the tape.
Also in the same boat if anyone could sent me photos of clues for Silky, Ernie, and Scoop?