Back to School Board Games
But so is back-to-school time.
I love that settling feeling once the kids are in bed and the house is nice and quiet. And now that school is back in session, I can appreciate it a bit more.
Don’t get me wrong. I love summer nights.
I love longer evenings outside, kids playing night games with the neighbors, starry skies, and late night movies. But sustained late nights can also make the next morning difficult for work.
And when kids are regularly up until 11, the “down time” post bedtime is very scarce.
So getting back into a school, homework, and bedtime routine is heavenly.
Yes, there will still be occasional late nights for the various activities everyone is engaged in, but they won’t be Every night. And that’s nice. Some quiet evening solitude to collect thoughts is grand.
But the other quiet in our family this year is that we’re now down 1 child.
Last week we dropped our eldest son, Trevor, off at college. And now our home feels a bit too quiet.
I wrote earlier this year about his upcoming departure and all the games I’d like to get in before he left. Unfortunately we didn’t come close to getting through that list. But fortunately we did get to share some great times as a family this summer. And for that, we’re very grateful.
The good news is that he’s not far. He’ll make it back around for dinners here and there (and maybe some laundry runs). And of course he’ll be back home for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays (with games just waiting to be played).
With Trevor gone, the family dynamics are already starting to change. Jaden now takes the reigns as the oldest child at home and Brooke and Caleb follow his lead. It’s going to be a great new experience for all of us.
Back to School Board Games
While we may be down 1 board game player, 1 board game reviewer, and our board game reviews video editor, that won’t stop our drive to tell everyone how great family game time can be.
With 1 child in college, 1 in high school, 1 in junior high, and 1 in elementary school we thought that would be a great way to list great family board games and card games for these back-to-school days.
Most games found in retail store game sections are well-suited for elementary aged children and their families. There are thousands of great games that help develop mental capabilities in young children. Here are a few we think are especially great.
Once kids hit junior high school, the world opens up to them even more. They reason more clearly and it’s a perfect time to dive into games with more strategy.
Once kids hit high school, who know what they’ll enjoy. By this time in life they’ve been exposed to many things and their interests will vary wildly. Board games with strong themes can be very appealing to kids in these fun years.
- RoboRally
- Ninja: Legend of the Scorpion Clan
- Magic the Gathering
- Descent: Journeys in the Dark
- Thunderstone Advance
- Small World
- Alien Frontiers
- Smash Up
- Fortune and Glory
- Gloom
No doubt college is about gaining a mass of knowledge. But it’s also a period of time where social life is kicked into gear even more. Grab the games that bring a lot of group fun.
- Snake Oil
- Telestrations
- Curses
- Reverse Charades
- Say Anything
- Times Up: Title Recall
- Wits & Wagers Party
So wherever your kids may be going to school this year, there are plenty of great family board games to match.