King of New York – Can’t Wait!

King of Tokyo has been a big hit family board game. It’s also been a huge hit at our Guys Game Nights.
And it seems everyone we’ve introduced it to has rushed out to buy a copy of their own.
Actually, “rushed” isn’t the right word for one of our neighbors. He borrowed our copy for a Thanksgiving weekend with extended family and says they played it about 100 times that weekend… Then he bought a copy of their own.
Needless to say, it’s a very fun king-of-the-hill game.
So when we heard the game publisher, iello, was going to make King of New York, we immediately added it to our “games we can’t wait for” list.
The details on the release of King of New York are hush-hush for another week. The big promotion starts next week at GenCon (the largest board game convention in the US). So we’re really looking forward to hearing more soon.
But prior to that, we’ve got something special to share – an exclusive sneak peek at one of the cards: Broadway Star
From the current description of the game, we know players are vying for super stardom. So the power of the Broadway Star card, +1 victory point when you take Superstar and when you start your turn with it, sounds pretty good to us.
A few game expansions have been made for King of Tokyo (KoT) that add to the enjoyment. But King of New York (KoNY) won’t be an expansion. It will be a separate game.
The core game play of KoNY will be the same as KoT but will also have its own unique elements.
Here’s a description of the game as posted on BoardGameGeek:
As in KoT, your goal is to be the first monster to collect 20 victory points (VPs) or to be the last monster standing. On your turn, you roll six dice up to three times, then carry out the actions on those dice. Claws cause damage to other monsters, hearts heal damage to yourself, and energy is stored up so that you can purchase power cards that provide unique effects not available to anyone else.
What’s new in King of New York is that you can now try to become a star in the big city; more specifically, you can achieve “Fame”, which nets you VPs, but superstar status is fleeting, so enjoy your time in the spotlight.
The game board for King of New York is larger than in KoT with each monster occupying a district in the city and everyone trying to shine in Manhattan. When you attack, you can displace a monster in another district, whether to escape military forces or to find new smashing opportunities. Yes, smashing because you can now destroy buildings and get bonuses for doing so, but the more destruction you cause, the more intense the military response.
The monsters from King of New York can be used in KoT and vice versa, but the power cards are specific to this game.

Yep – we’re excited!
Bring on the Dice.
Bring on the Fame.
Bring on the Superstar status.
Bring on the Destruction.
Bring on the Military.
Bring on the Monsters.
Bring on King of New York!
(For those unfamiliar with King of Tokyo – check out our video review of the game here.)
I recently watched the Newsies and I’ve had the song King of New York stuck in my head for almost a week. Just when it finally got out of my head you go and post this. Thanks a lot 😛
We’ll probably be picking this one up when it comes out, we do enjoy King of Tokyo.
So I gotta ask, do you think Pulitzer the new monster?
Aaron – It’s funny to hear that because we love the music from Newsies and the same song runs through our heads. I don’t think iello has the same connection to Newsies, so most likely no Pulitzer. (but we’d get a good laugh if there is)