LEGO Juggernaut

By show of hands, who doesn’t have some LEGO bricks lying around their house?
If you’ve got young boys, chances are high that you’ve got LEGOs as well.
With the release of ‘The Lego Movie’ this weekend we’ve got LEGO on the brain. Our son Jaden saw the movie with his friends on Saturday and came back with a big smile on his face. And yep, I’m planning to see it soon too.

Over 19 billion LEGO pieces are produced every year!
That means 36,000 made every minute!
The toy was first made produced in 1958 and has become one of the most recognized brands in the world. LEGO has also passed Mattel as the world’s most valuable toy manufacturer.
Our oldest boys enjoyed playing with LEGOs when they were young, but what really caught their interest were the Bionicle toys. Bionicles caught their imagination so much that they’d film their staged Bionicle battles. Those self-recorded videos are a hoot to watch now.

Multi Media LEGO
In my book, the stroke of genius to keep LEGO thriving in this modern digital age was the introduction of the LEGO video games. The LEGO Star Wars video game was an amazing hit. Running through the Star Wars universe as LEGO characters with my boys was pure enjoyment.
Following that success came many more fun video games – Harry Potter, Indiana Jones, Batman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lord of the Rings, and now Marvel Comics. The Hobbit LEGO video game will be out later this year as well.
So is it any surprise that they’d release a LEGO movie?

LEGO Board Games
The first LEGO board game we bought was LEGO Creator. It came out in 1999 soon after our 2nd son was born. It’s a very simple game where every player would select a model to build and take turns rolling to collect pieces for their model. The first one done wins.
But even after the game was over, the kids would simply keep building things. Who says the fun has to end?
It wasn’t long after that we bought LEGO Racers and had fun racing LEGO cars around the track.

Since then, and especially within the last 5 years, LEGO has made a bunch of board games that kids and families around the world enjoy playing. Here’s just a few:
- LEGO Creationary
- LEGO Minotaurus Game
- LEGO The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
- LEGO HEROICA (series)
- LEGO Ninjago
- LEGO Games Star Wars The Battle of Hoth
- LEGO Magikus
- LEGO Lava Dragon Game
- and so many more!
While our older boys may have outgrown playing with LEGO bricks, Bionicles, and LEGO board games, they haven’t stopped enjoying the video games and now the movie. So it’s safe to say that we’ll be enjoying LEGO for many years to come – most likely for the rest of our lives (grandkids will then keep the love alive).
In the meantime, we’ll make sure our floor is free from stray LEGO bricks from Caleb’s LEGO creations.