Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation is back!

I’m so excited to let you know that one of our favorite board games, that had gone out of print, is now back and available in a new printing that’s even better!
Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation is one of our favorite 2-player board games!
The tension in this Stratego-like game is fantastic!
No matter which side you play – Fellowship or Sauron forces – you feel the other side has the upper hand and it will be a challenge to win. We love that!
Here’s the video review that Trevor did 4 years ago describing the game play.

New in the reprint
The awesome game play is exactly the same as the original board game.
The biggest difference in the reprint is the size of the characters. As you can see from the images, they’re much more compact than the prior versions. This results in some visual differences, but the character special abilities and the special cards haven’t changed at all.
We think the smaller character pieces will be much better to play with.

Other slight changes:
- The rulebook contains additional clarifications.
- Includes bridge-sized cards, as well as scaled down character stands and tiles, with new character cards to serve as reminders of character abilities.
- The game board now has visual reminders, such as character limit indicators and darker mountain borders.
- It features cool new artwork for variant game Fellowship characters, as well as for several cards.
Even though we already have the game, I’m half-tempted to pick up a copy of the new version as well. But I’ll hold strong. Mainly because I have a couple neighbor friends that I’ve introduced LOTR The Confrontation to that have anxiously awaited this new reprint as well – and I know they’re going to jump on the new one.
But the really cool thing is that this new version includes all the characters from the deluxe version of the game!
The shift to smaller components is probably also one reason why the retail price of the game is less expensive than before – $34.95!
But we’ve seen that it’s available on Amazon currently for only $26.10 – awesome deal!