Lord of the Rings The Confrontation is back!

UPDATE NOV 2013: Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation reprint is now available for purchase!
We’re super excited with the recent announcement by Fantasy Flight Games to reprint Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation.
Not only is this one of our favorite 2-player games, but one of our favorite board games period!
It rocks!
And you’ll soon be able to get a copy as well.
We’ve heard from a number of people that have seen our video and written review that they haven’t been able to buy a copy of Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation anywhere. It’s been one of those unfortunate situations where a fantastic board game has gone out of print.

So we couldn’t be happier to see it coming back to market.
In fact, the first person I made aware of the news was a good neighbor friend that I had over to play Lord of Rings: The Confrontation one weekend. A couple of plays that day just weren’t enough and he’s been aching to play it ever since. It almost goes without saying that he’s very excited to hear the news as well.
See for yourself in Trevor’s video review of Lord of the Rings the Confrontation.
(It was actually the 22nd game we reviewed – such a long time ago…)

You can also read a bit more on our full review of the game here.
While there aren’t changes to the game play, there are changes to the board game components. For example,
- The rulebook contains additional clarifications.
- Includes bridge-sized cards, as well as scaled down character stands and tiles, with new character cards to serve as reminders of character abilities.
- The game board now has visual reminders, such as character limit indicators and darker mountain borders.
- It features cool new artwork for variant game Fellowship characters, as well as for several cards.

Plans are for it to hit stores in Q3 this year.
Are we going to rush out and buy a copy of the new version?
No. We’ve already got one.
But that doesn’t stop us from being super excited for everyone else out there that will now be able to get this great board game to play with their friends and family!
And if, I mean, WHEN our neighbor buys a copy of the new version we’ll have our chance to take on the battle with the new Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation. Already looking forward to it!