Forget Board Games, the Olympic games rock!

Over the last 2 weeks our family has spent a lot of time around the TV. As you know, we wouldn’t normally spent hours on end sitting in front of a screen. But these last 2 weeks were different. We tried to soak up as much of the 2012 Summer Olympics as we could.
The athletes competing in the Olympics are incredible. Listening to their stories and watching them perform at their peak has been fascinating. It’s fantastic to see what can result from dedication and commitment. And we loved sharing it all with our children.
Sports our kids have never watched before became intriguing. The wide variety of sports on display from competitors from all over the world opened their eyes to new ideas. And background stories about the athletes were inspiring.
So while we may not have played many family board games over the last 2 weeks, we’ve definitely enjoyed time together as a family watching the world come together for some great games!
Hi , i have followed the thread from Geek as i need to swat up quickly on how to play ingenious ,saw the link for the video from your son arrived here and noticed your post about the Olympics. Explanation over… i just wanted to agree about how brilliant the Olympics have been . As a proud Brit. i have always watched some of the ‘fuss’ every 4 years but have been first time participant this time round in a noisy spectating kind of way. We went to 2 UK womens soccer (for your benefit) games and we also went to the first days athletics in the Olympic Stadium proper. WOW. We now have all our children grown and moved out (just) ,first grandchild on the way. They have all been instilled with a love of all things GAMES, so with our Olympic fervor burning we got our friends around last weekend and held our first annual Games Olympics, including gold ,silver and bronze medals for each event and bigger nicer ones for the overall Decathlete winner (kinda we had 11 games, but dont know what that is in Olympic parlance) We will definatley be repeating, and thankyou for answering what others thought of our ‘little’ Olympics. And thanks for the video too.
It’s great to hear from someone that got to experience the recent Olympic games live. When the Winter Olympics were here in Salt Lake City in 2002 we got to join in some of the spectacle and attend a couple of the events (aerial ski jumping & short track skating) and it was a lot of fun.
And your medals sound like a fun theme for a weekend of games.