Being a Father is simply awesome

I love being a dad.
Sure it comes with a ton of challenges. But maybe that’s the very reason why it’s so rewarding.
With Father’s Day this weekend, it’s a great time to reflect on fatherhood. In particular, I’m thinking of how blessed I am to be a father.
Holding your newborn infant in your arms is such a special moment. Since our youngest is now 9, those infant days are long gone. But that initial birthday is just a glimpse of many great moments to come.

Other joys on the way:
- Staring in the face of a sleeping infant.
- The grip of an infant hand on your finger.
- The first smile/laugh.
- Bedtime stories.
- Stepping on Legos.
- Summertime pool parties.
- Pulling teeth.

- Teaching chores.
- Coaching team sports.
- Swimming lessons.
- Making cookies.
- Carrying a sleeping child off to bed.
- Watching them care for each other – on occasion 🙂
- Excuses to buy snowcones and cotton candy.
- Halloween costumes and school parades.
- Witnessing their talents unfold.
- Swingsets.
- Project helpers.
- Nerf gun wars.
- Amusement parks.
- Playing family board games.
- Hunting for seashells.
- First day of school.

- Last day of school.
- Birthday parties.
- Watching them try new things.
- Cozy blankets.
- Easter egg hunts.
- Getting stitches.
- Seeing them accomplish their goals.
- Getting a hug.
- Sleeping outside.
- Going to the zoo.
- Playing in the dirt.
- Neighborhood night games.
- Building snowmen.
- Watching them internalize values.
- Working together.
- Late night talks.

Sure you can do a lot of these things without kids. But life has been so much richer for me because I’ve been able to enjoy them together with my children. And I’m looking forward to even more adventure and new experiences as they continue to grow and develop. Good thing life is made of families.
So to all you fathers and fathers-to-be out there – Happy Father’s Day!
May you make the most of life by loving the precious time you have with your family.

P.S. For those of you with daughters, check out the Daddy-Daughter Date blog for some great ideas on things you can do with your daughters.

Pulling teeth seems a little out of place on a list of joys :p
Anyways, happy Father’s Day!