Kingdom Builder up for Spiel des Jahres
The 2011 Game of the Year nominees were posted this week. If you’re not familiar with the Spiel des Jahres awards, they’re the most talked-about worldwide gaming awards.
We love that the whole purpose behind the Spiel des Jahres is to “promote games as a cultural asset to encourage gaming amongst family and friends”. That’s what playing board games is all about.

The nominees for the 2012 Spiel des Jahres award are:
The nominees for the 2012 Kennerspiel des Jahres (more complex games) are:
The winners won’t be announced until July 9 – so you’ve got time to try a few of them out. You may just have to travel a bit because the Spiel des Jahres is awarded in Germany.
Of the games nominated, the only one we’ve played is Kingdom Builder. And I guess I should really say “the only one I’ve” played because the rest of the family hasn’t had the chance to play it yet. But I loved it and think it will be a hit with them too. I just have to keep it at the top of my Father’s Day wish list.
So of course, my hope is that Kingdom Builder walks away with the prize this year.
Good luck!