Mothers are the best!

Happy Mothers Day!
Today’s the day set aside in the US to celebrate the wonderful role of mothers. And what a wonderful thing to do. It gives us a reason to pause and think of all the amazing things mothers do for us.
So often we take the role of mothers for granted. Having a day to reflect on the mothers is fantastic.
Since my father died when I was just 3, my mom had a tremendous task placed on her at an early age as she set out to raise 3 kids on her own. It wasn’t easy and she worked tirelessly to provide the best she could for us. Her life revolved around us. And even though we’re each grown with families of our own, we’re still her number 1 priority. A mother’s love and concern for her children never ends. It just expands as the years go by.
Yet, while I was aware of her sacrifices for us, like most kids I don’t think I truly appreciated her efforts at the time.
But I’ve found that I can appreciate the role of mothers a little more every year. As my family has grown and I work hand-in-hand with my wife to raise our children, I feel like I’m getting a behind-the-scenes view into the role of mothers.
Now I’m getting a front row view into what mothers go through for their families. Working together to raise our family, I see and feel the emotion that goes into this ever important work.
And while celebrating Mother’s Day with the mothers in my life, I also now reflect on preparing my daughter for this important role in her future as well. As part of that, I want to share a wonderful video posted this week that depicts the best thing we fathers can do for our daughters.
Today’s the day to celebrate all the women in your life. Let them know how much you care.
Happy Mothers day to all you wonderful women in the world!