Top 10 Most Viewed Board Game Video Reviews
That’s hard for us to believe because we know our extended family isn’t that big. 🙂
All we can say is THANK YOU for participating with us in the fun endeavor of family game time.
Those numbers indicate that on average each video has been viewed more than 3,000 times. However, we know that’s definitely not the case. Some board game reviews clearly stand out as the most popular.
So what are our most viewed board game and card game video reviews?
Our most viewed Family Board Game and Card Game Video Reviews are:
(at the time of this posting – 2/29/12)
Carcassonne is one of the games that launched our family into the fun world of family board games. It’s on our Top 10 Must Have Family Board Games list for a reason. And it’s closing in on 50,000 views!
Dominion is truly a card game like no other. It’s the most addictive card game we have and continually tops our list of most played card game. It may take you a play or too to get a feel for it, but once you do, it’s hard not to be hooked.
Risk: Star Wars the Clone Wars
This was the first board game that we filmed a review for so the video has its issues. But it’s still a great game. Of course we love the Star Wars theme and that it’s a game of Risk that builds up good to and end-game condition rather than going on forever.
Qwirkle won the Spiel des Jahres award for best board game last year for a reason – it’s a great family board game. With luck of the tile draw and strategic tile placement it’s got a great balance for family fun.
Sequence is a staple in our game closet. It’s a simple game that works well on so many levels. And whenever we get together with extended family for a weekend, it’s on the table.
Ticket to Ride: Europe
The Ticket to Ride series is simply a great group of family board games. If you haven’t tried it yet, don’t wait any longer. And for what it’s worth, we like the Europe version best.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid Cheese Touch
We think it’s pretty funny that this game is in the Top 10 of video reviews viewed – with almost 10,000 (as of this writing). Our guess is that there’s a ton of kids that love the books and have watched the movies. So of course they want to check out what the game’s like.
Blokus is another abstract board game that’s fantastic for families. There have been a number of derivative board games created from the success of Blokus. But it’s hard to beat the original.
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot
Killer Bunnies is full of wackiness. Don’t know what wackiness is? Then pick up a copy of Killer Bunnies. The fun must be found in the playing of the game because the winning condition at the end is completely random. So enjoy the journey, not the destination.
Bang! is actually THE game that put us on this path of reviewing family board games. It was Caleb at age 6 being placed in the role of Sheriff and coming out with guns blazing where we knew we had something on our hands and just had to share it with others. And since then we’ve added the Dodge City expansion that adds even more fun to the game.
So that’s our Top 10 The Board Game Family Video Reviews list based on the time of this writing. There are a bunch of great family board games that haven’t quite cracked this list yet and you can see which those are by visiting our YouTube channel.
If you want to see where these games rank our our favorite games, check out our Board Game Reviews page and click on the column headings to sort it as you see fit.