Fun Money – Do you have some?

Do you have “fun money” on hand for emergencies?
We’re not talking about rush to the hospital kind of emergencies. We’re talking about when you need to infuse your life with a dose of fun.
It’s so easy to get caught up in all the things we need to get done or places we need to be that we sometimes forget to have fun.
We read a great article this week with a cool idea for making sure that your budget has room for some “fun money“.
We know that the idea of budgets scares a lot of people. But it’s really not bad. It’s easy to sleep well at night when you know that you’re spending less than you make. And it’s a lot easier to have fun when you’re not stressed about how you’ll make ends meet. But that’s not what “fun money” is.

“Fun money” is the money you set aside with no other purpose than to use it for something that brings joy. And it doesn’t have to be a lot. The writer of the article mentions that early in their marriage they settled on $5. That was enough to stop and buy a hot doughnut while passing by the bakery without worry. Or making that small impulse purchase just for fun.
But with your “fun money” you don’t need to be accountable to anyone else. It’s just yours to have fun with. If you’re married, just agree on an amount that each of you can use simply for fun, then enjoy it.
And if your items of fun cost a little more, it may take some patience to save up a couple months worth of “fun money”, but oh what fun you’ll have.
Check out the article for yourself: “On a budget? Don’t forget to have fun”.