On The Brink
It was dark.
The sun had just gone down behind the purple mountains in Bangkok. I knew I was running short on time, but I had to continue on. I had no choice.
I got into position behind a pretty run-down building, slowly sneaking toward the edge of the alleyway. Suddenly I found a hole just off to my right. The perfect size for my package.

“Heh heh heh…” I quietly snickered as I carefully took off my well-worn burlap backpack, unfastened it, and slowly removed a cylinder no thicker than a billiard stick and no longer than your middle finger. As I finally removed it, I had to admire it for a second. It was beautiful. Nobody but myself could have invented anything even remotely like it!
“Hahahahaha!” I laughed out loud, but quickly silenced myself, remembering that if anybody found me, it was game over. Taking control of myself again, I took a deep breath, smiled, and slipped the deadly little cylinder into the hole in the wall. I immediately got up, looked around, picked up my backpack and walked calmly out of the ally as if I were just passing through.
Heh heh heh, I thought. Those pesky scientists still think I’m in Sydney! Imagine their surprise as they believe that they’ve finally irradiated my virus, and another break out is happening here! I chuckled softly again, and then I disappeared.
By the next morning, I was in Essen, Germany.

I decided to rest for a day and just watch the international news. So I checked into a half-decent motel, plopped down on the bed and turned on the Telly. The very first thing that popped up was a live broadcast from Bankok. I chuckled to myself again.
“…And there have already been 5 deaths, with another 20 dangerously ill.” The reporter was saying (me having to read the English subtitles). “The scientists from Atlanta, Georgia in America believe they know who is behind all of these attacks. They say…” The reporter paused to listen to her broadcaster. “Oh! Here is one of them now!” The reporter handed the microphone over to a young looking lady with a doctors mask on. She never takes that off… I thought to myself, as I scooted closer to the television.
“Hello,” now speaking in English, the lady had a heavy New Jersey accent. “We have sufficient reason to believe that a bio-terrorist by the name of Charlie is behind all of these attacks.” I snarled. How many times had I told them? My name is Chuck! The lady continued. “We also have narrowed down the area where this sickness originated from. We found this,” she paused to hold up the very cylinder that I had placed not 12 hours ago. “In a partially abandoned alleyway. We have, for the time being, dispelled of the virus from all of Bangkok, and we are now tracking Charlie. We have reason to believe that he fled to Tokyo, and are currently in the process of chasing him…”
I laughed as I turned off the television. They weren’t even close to my area! What dunces. I was still chuckling as I laid down to fall asleep. It had been a long couple days.

The next thing I knew, I heard a crash and a hushed voice saying, “You hoser! Don’t wake him now, eh!” I immediately shot out of bed and reached for my backpack, which was holding my weapon. Unfortunately, I was still pretty groggy from being woken up so quickly, and I was restrained long before I got to it. I quickly felt a long needle plunge into my neck and within seconds I had no control over my limbs. They were useless to me. It wasn’t even worth trying.
“I bet you’re wondering how we found you, eh!” The Canadian laughed. “Well, we figured you had gone somewhere far away, and by the time that report was on in Bangkok, we had narrowed it down to Essen. From there it was easy! We just called Julie and told her to tell the cameras we thought you were in Tokyo so that you would ease up. And it worked!” The Canadian laughed again as he and his comrades dragged me into a big blue van and drove off.
So they had caught me! Although, I wouldn’t have to spend a whole lot of time planning my escape again (they weren’t very good at containing me). No matter, I thought to myself. Once I’m free again, there’s nothing that’s going to stop me from infecting the world! Long live my pandemic!

This is my first of your articles that I’ve read (on the site as a whole). I must say, I really like reading from the perspective of inside the game! That’s a really cool and innovative writing style. I look forward to your future articles.
Great article. I love that expansion, although I still haven’t played the bio-terrorist variant. Looking forward to more articles from you.