The Biking Game

Have you ever heard of The Biking Game?
Well, maybe that’s because you’re thinking of a family board game called The Biking Game. Afterall, you’re most likely visiting this website because you’re interested in great family board games.
Sorry to disappoint you in that regard, but The Biking Game isn’t a board game or a dice game. It’s a game to play while you’re out riding bikes with your family. We played again last week and had a great time.
The game is pretty simple. Everyone hops on their bike and you just start riding down your street. Then each person takes turns saying which direction you’ll go when you get to your next intersection or crossroad – straight, right, left, or turn-around. We like to go in order of age just because it’s simple to remember.
It’s not only a great way to get some exercise in, but it’s a great way to enjoy your neighborhood and see how good a sense of direction your kids have (depending on their age). You’ll also be able to tell which kids like to explore more than others.
And that’s always fun because you might get one child always turning back towards home and another always turning to go farther away. Of course, that means the challenge for parents is to know when it’s time to make the real turn for home (while it’s still fun).
Anyway, summertime is the perfect time for enjoying some time outside with your family playing The Biking Game.