Family is the Cornerstone of Society

“The family is the corner stone of our society. More than any other force it shapes the attitude, the hopes, the ambitions, and the values of the child. And when the family collapses it is the children that are usually damaged. When it happens on a massive scale the community itself is crippled. So, unless we work to strengthen the family, to create conditions under which most parents will stay together, all the rest – schools, playgrounds, and public assistance, and private concern – will never be enough…” — Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson
This statement by the 36th president of the United States was given over 40 years ago and it still applies just as strongly today.
Our family firmly believes this. We believe that we are on this Earth as families for a reason. And as parents, having a strong family is one of our most important responsibilities of life.
As such, one of our main goals as parents is to create a nurturing environment where our children can grow and develop to their potential. We want them to learn as much as they can and develop their talents to the best of their ability. We also want to instill in them enduring values.
As we’ve written about before, we know that board games can teach important life lessons. But even though we created this website to promote playing board games and card games together as a family, we know that this is only one facet of creating a strong family and strong individuals.
We know our family bonds are strengthened through many activities:
- Family prayer
- Going to church services together
- Family scripture study
- Eating dinners together
- Reading bedtime stories and other bedtime routines
- Attending each other’s sporting events
- Attending each other’s performances
- Going camping
- Date nights
- Parent/Child outings
- Participating in acts of service in the community
- Working on homework together
- Going to the park
- Role playing (like in the videos below)
- And the list goes on…
But even if you aren’t yet involved in tons of activities as a family, we hope that you can find at least one place to start. So if you can start building strong relationships by sitting down and playing games together, then we say – that’s a great place to start. And we hope it leads to even more time together.
We’d just like to encourage you to make your family a priority wherever you can start.
(And if you need some great ideas for imagination play time with your kids, check out these ideas.)