Secret Santa with Board Games
We know that many of you may see “Santa” in the title of this post and immediately cringe. However, just bear with us a moment.
If you believe that it’s crazy for retail stores to start putting up their Christmas decorations earlier and earlier every year then we’re with you. We love all the holidays that come this time of year and like to take time to celebrate each individually. We’ve got the Halloween décor spread around the house and costume ideas being bantered around the dinner table. And we never want to overlook Thanksgiving. That’s one of our favorite holidays because it gives us time to pause and count our many blessings.
And since most of these holidays are spent with family and extended family, we love them all the more.
So don’t get us wrong. We’re not telling you to skip all the joy that can be found in each of these holidays. But we do want to tell you about something special that you may not be aware of. We’re guessing that every year around Christmastime you take part in or hear of organizations and groups that put together Secret Santa drives – that encourage gift giving to others outside of your family.
Our guess is that because you’re reading this, you’re interested in family board games. So how would you like to take part in a Board Game Secret Santa?
If the answer is “Our family would love to take part in a Board Game Secret Santa”, then we’ll point you in the right direction.

As we’ve mentioned before, one of the board game podcasts that we enjoy listening to is The Dice Tower. And this year, The Dice Tower is putting together their biggest Secret Santa drive yet. It has people participating from all around the world and will be great to be a part of. And in addition to all the giving of board games and card games between the participants, The Dice Tower is giving out 100 game related prizes to boot (you can see the list of prizes on their website).
So it’s not that we’re getting ahead of ourselves by skipping holidays and jumping right to Christmas – it’s that in order to participate in The Dice Tower Secret Santa, you need to get on board now. There is a lot to coordinate, so the sooner you indicate your participation, the better it will be.
How do you participate?

To keep the credit where it’s due, we’ll direct you to the source. To get all the rules on how to participate, you need to listen to Episode 184 of The Dice Tower. The episode is just over an hour long, but you can get right to the Secret Santa portion if you want. They start talking about the Secret Santa around 15:35 in the podcast.
So head right over to The Dice Tower and listen to how you can participate in sending board game joy to other families around the world.
And have a great series of holidays through the end of the year!