What type of Board Game player are you?

Today I came across a great blog entry categorizing the different type of board game players that you’ll find in a typical family gathering this holiday season. From The Megaphone to The Turtle and a few in between, you’ll quickly recognize those in your family that fit these descriptions.

But isn’t that the fun of family get-togethers? And isn’t that why there are a myriad of games to play? You find the best game for the situation, the group, and the individuals.

And I can guarantee you that this Thanksgiving our extended family will be playing Sequence. Why? because that’s the one best suited for the gaggle of personalities that will be hanging out together. And the little kids love it just as much as the older generation. The biggest group we’ve had play is 15. We had 3 teams of 5 each. Yes, it may take a while to get to your turn, but that’s the fun part – the agony of wanting to play a certain spot and just hoping with all your might that it will still be there on your turn. But then, of course, by the time it does, the layout of the pieces on the board has changed so much, that you find a better spot to play and you never use the card you were so anxious to play before.

So along with that, it’s safe to be that we’ll also be shooting a video review of Sequence this month. So check back soon. And in the meantime, check out the blog to see what type you are.

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